London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Plan To Block Transferred Workers From Pension Scheme Will Be Resisited

We note the report from our lead officer. While welcoming the reintegration of some Tube Lines staff into LUL and TfL, we are disappointed that some will remain in Tube Lines, and appalled that the companies plan not to allow transferring staff to join the TfL Pension Scheme.

This is an attack not just on these members’ rights but on the security of the pensions of all other staff.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on how we might progress our fight over this issue, and to place it in front of us within 14 days.

RMT To Investigate Tube Bosses Alteration To Long Service Awards

We note the correspondence from Transport for London and the report from our Regional Organiser. We instruct the General Secretary to obtain and place in front of us confirmation as to whether this new ‘consistent application’ of long service and retirement awards causes detriment to any of our members, and whether the sums of money involved have kept pace with the cost of living.

The union supports consistent application of policies across TfL, so long as this is on the basis of levelling-up of benefits to our members.

MATS Newsletter March 2013

Admin CDI note taking

We understand that management are trying to use the word ‘flexibility’ within your contract to get around the volunteering for this role. We believe this is not acceptable and we will take legal advice on this. The issue has been raised among the RMT senior reps and they are aware of our position in which as we have said before we do not recommend anyone volunteers to undertake this role.

RCIS Move Closer To Unprecedented Strike Ballot

Industial relations within the Revenue dept sank to an all time low last week with an appalling attack on the RMT reps within the dept, by the centurian manager, in an email to all staff.

The email, full of gross untuths, misleading suggestions and anti union retoric, lays bare the depts full contempt for the RMT and the machinary.

Since last september, RMT reps have , via the level one process, agreed in good faith, arrangements to enhance work life balance and other issues, only to then see the arrangements made, regulary ignored by DRCMs and Centurian managers.

RMT Slams Tube Bosses Two-tier Workforce Plans

Tube union RMT has slammed plans to transfer some Tube Lines clerical and project staff back in-house to London Underground without pension or travel facilities and has threatened industrial action to defend the terms and conditions of its members.

RMT general secretary Bob Crow said that while proposals to re-integrate some staff into LUL may sound positive after the long-running PPP Tube privatisation fiasco, the 700 or so staff involved would not be allowed to join the TfL pension fund.

Right To Carry Over Statutory Annual Leave Entitlement Due To Sickness

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Further to my Circular No IR/131/13 dated the 25th February 2013 with regards to the above matter and where I informed you of the important court ruling on annual leave under the Working Time Regulations. As you may recall, I again wrote to London Underground raising our concerns over their decision not to update or publish company policies to reflect the changes to case law.

Updated Advice on Rainbow from Stations & Revenue Functional Reps

See the attached updated advice for dealing with Rainbow sickness processes.

Feb 2013-02-28

Update on Rainbow Sickness Process from Stations Functional Council Reps (SFC).

This update is overdue but we have been waiting for an agreed set of minutes from the last APC (Attendance, Performance & Conduct) meeting with management. The minutes are still in dispute but as the next meeting is not now scheduled until April and we are now getting more reports of the process kicking off again we are issuing this update to previous advice.


LU must give justice to the 33 sacked agency workers

The Bakerloo Branch agreed the following resolution for the attention of the RMT's General Grades Committee:

"The Bakerloo Branch notes the disgraceful treatment of our members, formally employed by Trainpeople, by London Underground. Despite assurances to our General Secretary and members of our Stations Functional Council, our members’ treatment in the LU recruitment process has been scandalous. We note that at least two thirds of our members have been unsuccessful in the recruitment process despite many of them doing the job for 5 years. We believe that LU has rigged and abused the recruitment process to deny our members direct employment. The fact that 32 of our 33 members are black or are ethnic suggests that racism is a central factor in their treatment.

Stop the victimisation of RMT young members activist Jayesh Patel!

The Bakerloo Branch agreed the following resolution for the attention of the RMT's General Grades Committee.

“This branch notes the appalling treatment of our young member and activist Brother Jayesh Patel at the hands of LU. Bro Patel was acting in the interests of safety when he requested ‘assisted despatch’ at two overcrowded stations on 1st of February 2013. This branch is amazed that as a result of carrying out these actions he was told to detrain and run out of service. Worse still he was instructed to attend a location away from his home depot to participate in a fact finding. Unfortunately the fact finding interview turned into a Gestapo interrogation where our member was denied the right to ask questions, denied the right to have physical break and denied to go home after his booking off time. Worse, this branch notes that since this time LU have added insult to injury and have stood down him down from that date.