London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

We Will Oppose Cuts By All Means - Including Industrial Action


Further to my previous Circular (IR/70/15, 12th March 2015), the meeting of Reps and Activists to discuss the possibility of further industrial action on London Underground in relations to defending jobs, services and conditions took place on Monday 16th March.

RMT To Monitor Tube Crowding As Child Falls Beneath Train In Shocking Incident

Transport union RMT said today that it is step up the independent monitoring of crowding and safety on both rail and tube after a child fell between a train and the platform at Baker Street yesterday afternoon in the latest shocking incident that raises serious questions about the safety of passengers while top transport bosses repeatedly ignore union warnings.

Yesterday's incident at Baker Street follows the horrific events at Clapham South last week when a woman was dragged under a train, the continuing chaos at London Bridge and major incidents at Oxford CIrcus and Brixton.

Bakerloo News March 2015

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for RMT members in the Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:

  • LU’s pay offer is an insult
  • Every Job Matters - Prepare for more action!
  • Toilet humour at the Elephant
  • RMT wins 50 permanent jobs for cleaners
  • The fight against ticket office closures goes on!
  • No member left behind

RMT & HOLT Day Of Action Against Tube Cuts

As part of the ongoing campaign against ticket office closures and staffing cuts on London Underground, HOLT - Hands Off London Transport and Tube workers' union RMT are organising a London-wide day of action.

We believe cuts and closures will make the Tube less accessible and safe for passengers, particularly disabled passengers and those with English as a second language, as well as more dangerous and stressful for staff.

We demand properly staffed stations with open ticket offices.

RMT Warned Of Overcrowding Risk Days Before Woman Dragged Under Train

Union warnings of lethal overcrowding at "death trap" tube station were ignored by underground bosses.

Tube union RMT revealed today that it formally warned underground bosses of lethal overcrowding at Clapham South station in a specially convened safety meeting last week, warnings that were ignored. That most recent warning followed previous alerts flagged up by the union over the past year about death trap overcrowding ‎at stations along sections of the Northern Line.

Agency “disguised Employees” – London Underground

A resolution was recently received from Jubilee South Branch regarding the above and this matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has taken the decision to investigate the use of “disguised employees” by Interserve and other companies in TfL/LUL (reference LUL Engineers Charter and article by GS in January RMT News ‘Fighting Casualisation’) and to produce a report on this worrying pract

Transfer Policy – London Underground

Further to my previous Circular (IR/332/14, 15th December 2014), Central Line East Branch and Camden 3 Branch submitted correspondence over the Company’s refusal to honour its transfer procedure for station staff. It is alleged that the Company is refusing to fill vacancies and instead are covering duties with new-recruit staff on fixed-term contracts on an over-establishment basis.

The Lead Officer has written to the Company regarding this matter and it is listed on the agenda for the next Stations Functional Council meeting. I will keep you informed of all further developments.

Noel Roberts Sacking: East Ham Branch Stations To Be Balloted For Strike

As members will be aware (Circular No. IR/022/15, 21st January 2015), RMT is currently conducting a campaign against the unfair dismissal of Brother Noel Roberts from London Underground and a further resolution has recently been received from East Ham Branch in relation to this matter, which is as follows:-

Coming Up: Every Job Matters Meeting To Discuss Possible Strike Action

Further to my previous Circular (IR/061/15, 2nd March 2015) I can advise Branches that the arrangements for a meeting of Reps and Activists to discuss the possibility of further industrial action on London Underground in relation to defending jobs, services and conditions are as follows:-

10.30 hours on Monday 16th March 2015.
Bloomsbury Suite – Friends House
173 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BJ

Although we have been unable to secure paid release, members are urged to make their own arrangements to attend. I will keep you informed of all further developments.