Black and ethnic minority members

Black and ethnic minority RMT members are organising for equality and against racism. 



March against racism

21 March is United Nations Anti-Racism Day. Stand Up to Racism, to which RMT is affiliated, are organising demonstrations in London and Glasgow to mark this day and to protest at the rise of mass support for racist and fascist forces worldwide.

The Glasgow demo is titled ‘March against Racist Johnson’ and is supported by unions from across Scotland. It will begin at 11am in St George’s Square.

The London demo is titled ‘March against Racism’ and will set off from Portland Place, London W1A at noon.

21 days of anti-racism

RMT London Transport Regional Council’s Black Solidarity Committee is organising 21 days of anti-racism events and activities.

Download the attached poster and agenda to learn more. You can also print and display it in your workplace.

RMT National Black & Ethnic Members’ Advisory Committee T-shirts for 2020 Conference

RMT National Black & Ethnic Members’ Advisory Committee have specially commissioned logo’d T-shirts to be allocated to delegates at their 2020 conference taking place at Liverpool’s Hilton city centre 24 & 25 March.

To order your t-shirt, please email the Black & Ethnic Members’ Chair Glen Hart with your name, branch and t-shirt size.

Get details on the conference here


Report: TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Forum, 29 January 2020

The TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Trade Union Engagement Forum met on 29 January. RMT was represented by Janine Booth, Paul Greany, Jamie Parry and Daniel Randall (a last-minute stand-in for Glen Hart).


RMT tabled five issues for discussion. The other unions did not table any items, but ASLEF, TSSA and Unite did attend, and supported RMT’s demands.


1. Recognition of new name/gender

Justice for Ezra


Justice for Ezra

Attached is a leaflet outlining the injustice Bakerloo Train Operator Ezra Christian is facing at the hands of a management who have no sense of the human effect of their actions. Whilst management woefully disregard agreements and commitments in order to push for the toughest penalties, they should be in no doubt that the union will defend its members in every way possible.

Report: TfL Diversity and Inclusion Trade Union Engagement meeting, 30 July 2019

RMT representatives: Janine Booth, Jamie Parry

Unite had three representatives at the meeting, PCS one. The other unions - TSSA, ASLEF and Prospect - were not represented.


‘Safety Moment’

We raised the issue of sexual harassment, especially on Night Tube. Management responded that the Mayor’s office (Michele Dix and Amy Lame) had drawn up a charter for women’s safety at night. The unions expressed alarm that we had not been consulted about this. Management agreed to arrange for our involvement.