Harassment and Bullying

RMT prepared to defend unfairly sacked disabled Bond Street station worker


The following resolution was recently received from our Central Line West Branch:-

“This Branch notes the case of CSA Rachel Gard, from Bond Street, who was sacked for having a disability, Type 1 Diabetes. This Branch further notes the harassment Rachel has also received. This Branch calls the GGC to ballot on the following, with a view for full reinstatement.

Jubilee South Branch Prepared to Defend Unfairly Treated Disabled Member

RMT London Transport Region's Jubilee South branch has unanimously passed a motion in support of branch member Francis Darcy.  Francis is a long term RMT member and London Underground worker; who is employed as a SAMF.  Francis developed Repetitive Strain Injury whilst doing her job, and despite the difficulties this condition has causes her, has maintained her condition, and was doing her job just days ago.  However at a recent 'case conference' the decision was taken to redeploy her to an unknown role, without warning.

RMT confirms 48 hours strike next week after massive vote for action on Docklands Light Railway

RAIL UNION RMT said today that staff across all grades on Keolis Amey Docklands Light Railway will strike for 48 hours next week  in a dispute over a range of serious unresolved issues that are wrecking industrial relations.
The announcement of action comes after talks failed to make any serious progress following the confirmation of a massive 92% vote to strike by RMT members last week.

DLR members furious as bosses try to bulldoze in worst working practices

RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that over 300 staff across all grades on Keolis Amey Docklands Light Railway have voted by massive majorities for both strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over a range of serious unresolved issues that are wrecking industrial relations.

Over 92% voted to strike with an even larger majority for action short of a strike.
The key issues at the heart of the dispute are:

LUL fingered in disability discrimination case - again

Following Karen Guyotts' dismissal because she had a disability -  questions were asked in Parliament - MPs from all sides of the house were appalled that in 2015 London's biggest employer could sack one of its employees solely because she had a disability.


LUL cited that the reasonable adjustments in place for Karen were "unsustainable" and sacked her.


Karen was unable to "sustain" an industrial response due to her condition.

Docklands Light railway Ballot Being Prepared


I recently received correspondence from our DLR Branch Secretary, advising that a vote was taken at a recent Branch meeting for a ballot for industrial action over numerous issues, including allocation of duties, understaffing and bullying affecting our members working for Keolis Amey Docklands on the DLR.

RMT Launch Fightback Against Interserve As Reps Sacked, Staff Mistreated, And Pay Inadequate


Further to my previous Circular (IR/303/14, 17th November 2014), members will recall that we advised the Company that a dispute situation existed over the mistreatment of staff and abuse of power by supervisors and management, non-payment of wages, and attacks on trade union reps and activists. The RMT Reps then commenced the task of checking and updating member’s details as necessary for a ballot for industrial action.