DLR members furious as bosses try to bulldoze in worst working practices

RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that over 300 staff across all grades on Keolis Amey Docklands Light Railway have voted by massive majorities for both strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over a range of serious unresolved issues that are wrecking industrial relations.

Over 92% voted to strike with an even larger majority for action short of a strike.
The key issues at the heart of the dispute are:

  • The use of agency staff on P-Way operations
  • Further abuses of the use of agency staff elsewhere within the KAD network.
  • Undermining the position of Control Centre, stores and other grades effectively casualising key functions
  • A creeping culture of bullying and intimidation of staff being allowed to develop
  • Breaches of agreements, procedures and the recognition framework

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:
“Our members on DLR are furious at the way that Keolis/Amey are trying to bulldoze in some of the worst working practices and conditions that we associate with the operations of the most cheapskate and anti-union companies in the transport sector and that anger is reflected in these ballot results. We will not sit back and allow this aggressive and bullying culture to develop on this key part of London’s transport network.
“The company should not have underestimated the anger of the workforce and KAD’s abject failure to address these issues which left us with no option but to ballot for action. The union will now consider the ballot result and remains available for talks.”

> RMT National News

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