London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Upfront Tube Drivers Newsletter January 2015 - Defend Alex

In this special 'Defend Alex McGuigan' edition

  • Vote Yes For Strike To Defend Alex
  • RMT Offer To Call Off Ballot If LUL Respect Employment Tribunal Decision. Tube Bosses Say No
  • Hendy Apologises

Click 'read more' to view and download this newsletter.

You can do your bit to help by printing this out and distributing amongst colleagues.

RMT Offer To Call Off Driver's Strike Ballot If LUL Respect Employment Tribunal Decision - Tube Bosses Say No

Further to my letter dated 12th January regarding the above, members are aware that your Union’s Executive Committee has taken the decision to conduct a ballot of all Train Operator and Instructor Operator members over this issue. The ballot notice was sent to the Company yesterday, your voting paper will be sent out on Monday 26th January 2015 and must be returned for the closing date of Tuesday 10th February 2015.

Latest edition of rmtlondoncalling newsletter - January 2015

Latest edition of rmtlondoncalling, please download, print, display & distribute around your workplace.
Read about;

• The campaign for Alex McGuigans reinstatement

• Ongoing every job matters dispute – rosters cause rage on stations – reps and activists called for a meeting to discuss industrial action

• March for homes on January 31 2015

• London Underground fingered in tax evasion scandal

• 95% of DLR members vote yes for industrial action

• Vicky Hayward reinstated – stand firm for other sacked members

RMT Organising To Defend Noel Roberts


Further to previous correspondence (Circular No. IR/261/14, 3rd October 2014), members will be aware that RMT is also conducting a campaign against the unfair dismissal of Brother Noel Roberts from London Underground and we have recently received a resolution from East Ham Branch in relation to this matter, which is as follows:-

Vicky Hayward Reinstated

We are delighted to report that Vicky Hayward is to be reinstated to her job as London Underground CSA. LUL sacked Vicky last year using CCTV "evidence" that was not available to Vicky or her rep, but following a meeting yesterday between the union's General Secretary and LUL's Managing Director, Regional Organiser John Leach advises that the company has agreed to overturn this decision. We are pleased that LUL has allowed fairness to prevail.

Local MP Supports Campaign To Defend Shepherd's Bush Ticket Office From Closure

RMT activists, members of other unions, and local community campaigners assembled at Shepherd’s Bush Tube station tonight (Thursday 8 January) to leaflet and petition passengers against ticket office closures and staffing cuts.

Also joining the protest were local Labour MP Andy Slaughter, local Labour GLA member Murad Qureshi, and RMT Executive member for the London Transport Region John Reid.

Hundreds of leaflets were distributed and signatures collected, with campaigners encountering strong local opposition to the closure and cuts.