London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Industrial Relations - Tube Lines DSM

We welcome the report from our lead officer, confirmed by our branch secretary, that the industrial relations difficulties in this department are currently being resolved to our satisfaction. However, we remain vigilant for management causing any further problems, and instruct the General Secretary to place this matter back in front of us should any concern arise.

London Transport Regional Council and LU Fleet branch to be advised.

RMT Pursues Reinstatement Of Uniform Cleaning Vouchers

That we note the correspondence from our Stratford no.1 branch, and the branch’s view that this union should maintain its stance that London Underground should provide uniform cleaning vouchers.

We note that LU management is refusing to discuss restoring the vouchers at the Uniform Consultative Committee, declaring that it considers the matter closed. We disagree.

London Underground Plans For Mobile Daylight Hour Supervisors

LU has announced plans to have Supervisors covering several stations from 7am to 11pm only. These stations would be opened and closed by security guards.

These plans relate to stations transferred from Silverlink, but RMT believes they are a precursor to wider de-staffing of London Underground stations.

The General Grades Committee has made the following decision:

RMT Demands Investigation Into Maintenance And Staffing Cuts As Buckled Tunnel Lining Comes Within Inches Of Ripping Tube Train Open

TUBE UNION RMT today demanded an independent investigation into London Underground maintenance and staffing cuts after photographic evidence emerged suggesting that the train that hit the buckled lining on the Bakerloo Line in Thursday mornings rush hour came within inches of being ripped open like a sardine can with potentially lethal consequences.

Bakerloo Line Tunnel Damage

A major incident on the Bakerloo Line last week a shut don for several hours. A defect of the tunnel wall was struck by the first trains of the morning. Once the cause was established a large section of the line was closed.

On the same day Tube Lines were on strike for equal pensions with colleagues at London Underground.

Regional Council Resolution: The Importance Of Agreements

Submitted by Piccadilly and District West branch

We note that once again management have held private talks with another union concerning our train operator members. The RMT opposes their intention to introduce temporary arrangements for the Olympics outside of trains Framework Agreements and the P.T.O.A. particularly the intention to extend the 8 hour day at weekends which sets a dangerous precedent.

RMT To Ballot Service Control Members For Industrial Action

We note that our London Underground service control representatives and members met on
Wednesday 18 April. They feel strongly that London Underground Ltd has not responded adequately
to their concerns, and wish RMT to begin a ballot for strike action and action short of strike forthwith.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

  • commence this ballot
  • set timescales for it which co-ordinate with other disputes in the London Transport region, so
    long as this is practical and does not unnecessarily delay action in any dispute

Concerns That Test Train Representation Rights Are Being Ignored By LUL Will Be Pursued By RMT

We note the resolution from our LU Fleet branch, and are alarmed at reports that management are apparently acting as though ASLEF has representation in this department, where RMT has sole recognition rights.

We note that our Regional Organiser has already contacted the employer and received assurances that this situation will be dealt with and RMT’s sole recognition will be upheld. We instruct the General Secretary to confirm that this is taking place in practice, and to bring to our attention any breaches.