London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Cuts Leave Tube Stations Unstaffed On 439 Occasions In The Past 6 Months

Figures obtained by RMT show that from October 2009 through to March 2010 surface level stations on the District, Central, Metropolitan, Circle & Hammersmith and Northern Lines were left unstaffed for entire shifts on a total of 439 occasions. One station, Mill Hill East, was left unstaffed for 95 entire shifts.

Current cuts plans being implemented by London Underground would see up to 800 ticket office, station and platform staff jobs axed creating a wave of ticket office closures and ushering in a culture of unstaffed tube stations, particularly late at night.

Policy comparison: London Underground vs ex-Metronet

The attached document summarises the differences between the policies of the former Metronet and the policies of London Underground. As Metronet is now part of London Underground, there will be a process to 'harmonise' these policies. By comparing them, we can see which are the best bits of each!

Thanks to Paul Jackson for compiling this document.

Emergency Resolution: All-Grades Ballot

This resolution, submitted as an emergency resolution by Neasden branch and seconded by Camden 3 branch, was carried unanimiously by the April meeting of the Regional Council ...

This region notes that the plans for station staff cuts affect all grades.

This region notes that our ethos and history supports all grades in action together.

This region calls on the CofE to ballot every single grade within London Underground for the “operational strategic plan” Dispute

Finsbury Park Monthly News - April 2010

To read or download the April 2010 edition of Monthly News, click on the attachment below.

In this edition:

  • HOW OUR BOSSES LIVE - Job cuts for us, jackpot pay awards for them
  • EURO DEMO AGAINST RAIL LIBERALISATION - a member's personal report from Lille
  • VOLCANIC ASH - staff stranded by grounded airlines told to lose pay or give up annual leave
  • RMT defends agreements at Arnos Grove depot
  • ASLEF claim credit for sunny weather!

800 Job Cuts: Do The Maths!

Whichever grade you work in, 800 fewer jobs on stations would mean …

  • 800 fewer people paying in to the TfL pension fund + 800 fewer employer contributions paid in = a more fragile pension fund for all of us
  • 800 fewer staff available to assist you in an emergency
  • The same amount of work being done by 800 fewer people
  • 800 fewer staff helping passengers - including your friends and family - around the system
  • 800 fewer posts for you to transfer into if you need redeployment or want a career change

'Staff Our Stations': campaign at Liverpool Street

Around 15 RMT members and supporters dished out hundreds of leaflets to Liverpool Street passengers on Friday lunchtime, explaining London Underground's plans to cut staff and ticket office service at their station.

All 500 leaflets were taken by passengers, many eager to read about the threat and support our campaign against it, and many of whom signed our petition:

Scandal Of Tube Bosses On Huge Salaries Who Want To Slash Station Staff

A study by RMT of Transport for London’s latest accounts reveals that the number of managers earning between £70,000 and £99,000 had more than doubled to nearly 800 – which matches the number of front-line station staff that Tube bosses want to axe.

EVER MORE London Tube bosses are being paid telephone-number salaries while hundreds of front-line staff face the axe, the RMT union charges today.

Non-payment of London Underground Pay Rise

Today is London Underground pay day, and staff have been shocked to discover that their pay does include the 4.2% rise that should have applied from 1 April. After a long-running dispute last year, the pay deal was agreed in December, so London Underground has had plenty of time to arrange for the year 2 rise to be paid on time.

RMT suggests that staff may wish to submit a grievance, and recommends the following wording ...

Grievance to Employing Manager

Resolution: London Underground industrial action ballot

This resolution, submitted by the Regional Council Executive, was carried unanimously by the April meeting of the Regional Council ...

This Regional Council is very frustrated by the lack of progress in carrying out the union's decision to ballot our members for industrial action to stop London Underground's plan to slash 800 jobs.

We understand the problems caused by the anti-union laws. However, we believe that the union can and must, as a matter of urgency, prepare and carry out this ballot.

We remind our national officers that 800 jobs are at stake.

Campaigning Against Job Cuts

bannerA dozen RMT reps and activists leafleted passengers coming in and out of Bank station yesterday, Monday 12 April. They dished out hundreds of leaflets and invited people to sign RMT's petition against the job cuts. After just an hour, several sheets of the petition were full of names.

RMT will be appearing outside various stations over the coming weeks, giving out leaflets and collecting signatures. Keep checking back to this website for dates and details - and join us if you can!