London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Waterloo & City Dispute Resolution Talks Collapse


Further to my previous Circular (IR/340/14, 19th December 2015), members will recall that the industrial action was suspended to allow for further discussions to take place and to explore a way forward that would meet our claim for Service Controller’s to be paid the SCL1 for the job.

RMT Fights Against Rainbow Process As Fit For Work Member Sacked


Further to my previous Circular (IR/100/15, 16th April 2015), a resolution regarding this matter has been received from the London Transport Regional Council, which notes the recent dismissal of Noel Roberts whilst fit and at work. This amounts to a capability/rainbow dismissal which is not a recognised nor agreed procedure with our Union and leaves all LUL members vulnerable to being sacked whilst fit and at work.

Push For Permanent Jobs For Fixed Term Contract Station Workers


Further to my previous Circular (IR/70/15, 12th March 2015), this matter was raised at a Stations Functional Council meeting where a failure to agree was recorded over the Company refusing to honour its transfer procedure for station staff and I am currently seeking legal advice as to whether LUL’s action constitutes a breach of members’ contracts of employment.

New Tube Uniform - RMT Uniform Committee Update

New London Underground Uniform
RMT Uniform Consultative Committee Update, April 2015

What’s happened so far?
2013 – 2014: uniform design. The RMT Uniform Committee reps gave feedback to the designers, prioritising comfort and practicality. Like most staff, we argued for a professional look, as opposed to the multi-coloured, clown-like look that LU initially proposed.

Pay Update: No New Offer From Tube Bosses

To all RMT members in LUL:

Pay and Night Tube update

Today and earlier this week on Monday I met LUL directors, with our senior reps to discuss and negotiate on pay 2015 and night tube arrangements.

Once again no new offer was made.

As members will know LUL have so far tabled an offer of:

.. This is effectively a pay cut

2015 ...0.75%

Night tube

RMT Says No To New Tube Faulty Radio Procedure


There is a new rule going live on May 4th, OSN 118. This would see trains running in passenger services with no direct contact the controller. This is obviously an unacceptable risk to the RMT.

We have had various meetings with LU on this matter and we have continually objected to its introduction. As LU were intent on imposing this on us we have contacted our Head Office with a view to escalating the matter. You will be hearing from our union top brass in due course on this matter.

Is Tube Bosses Night Tube Website Promoting Inaccurate Information?

London Underground bosses have launched a new website for tube workers which supposedly provides some answers on what Night Tube will mean for us. However there is one big inaccuracy. A question on the site asks “Are you going to change staff frameworks?” And the answer given is that “we do not believe it is currently necessary”.

However LUL bosses - some time ago - said the opposite, writing to the RMT saying they wish to enter into negotiations on frameworks; and these negotiations are taking place right now.

The Night Tube website is clearly misleading.

Pay & Night Tube Reps Mass Meeting

To all RMT London Underground Industrial and H&S Representatives

Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2015 And Night Tube

Dear Colleagues

Please be advised that a mass meeting of representatives will take place for a report back from John Leach, Regional Organiser on the above two agenda items. Meeting details are as follows:

Mass Meeting of RMT Representatives
10.00 hours on Wednesday 6th May 2015
Conway Hall (Main Hall)
25 Red Lion Square

RMT Demands Improvements As Sodexo Contract Extended

Sodexo secured 3 year contract extension with TfL with staffing structure changes taking effect on 1st July 2015; before those changes come in place, Sodexo plans:

  • Enter into formal consultation with all staff on 1st May 2015;
  • Between 1st May and 30th June Sodexo will announce, notify and consult with all Affected Staff;