London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

More Piccadilly line delays

Rolling stock crisis on Piccadilly Line leads to another rush hour of delays.

A rolling stock crisis on the Piccadilly Line, London Underground’s fourth busiest line transporting an average of 600,000 people a day, has led to yet another morning of delays for passengers today as warnings from tube union RMT about the state of the current fleet have come home to roost with a vengeance.
This is the third rush hour morning in a row where the fleet shortage has hit services hard.

Rolling stock crisis on Piccadilly Line leads to two days of severe delays

A rolling stock crisis on the Piccadilly Line, London Underground’s fourth busiest line transporting an average of 600,000 people a day, has led to two days of severe delays for passengers as warnings from tube union RMT about the state of the current fleet have come home to roost with a vengeance. 
RMT, which is currently in dispute with LU on the Piccadilly Line over a range of issues, says that up to 17 trains are out of action due to wheel flats alone – worn running gear that poses a danger for passengers and staff alike.

Property development focused TFL bill before Parliament again

The Transport for London Bill is before Parliament today - Monday 16 November. This bill is designed to help TfL fill the funding gap arising from impending cuts in the grant it receives from central government, by allowing it to use offshore companies to develop its property.

Leaks show that, from the turn of the decade, the government will cut £700 million a year from its contribution to TfL’s budget.

Tube reports record user numbers as Tories plot more big cuts

RMT on news of record tube user numbers today as Government lines up further cuts of £700 million a year.

General Secretary Mick Cash said

"The record numbers of tube users shows just what a success the service is and that is down to the hard work of the staff who make it tick. The fact that the news comes just as the Government are lining up annual additional cuts at TFL of £700 million a year is deeply worrying to both staff and passengers alike.

Jubilee South News November 2015

This is the latest edition of Jubilee South News.

In this edtion:

  • Jubilee South Branch ready to defend unfairly treated disabled member
  • 4 day 36 hour week trial – the ayes have it!
  • RMT preparing ground for ballot to defend brother Hart
  • AGM branch meeting details


RMT prepared to defend unfairly sacked disabled Bond Street station worker


The following resolution was recently received from our Central Line West Branch:-

“This Branch notes the case of CSA Rachel Gard, from Bond Street, who was sacked for having a disability, Type 1 Diabetes. This Branch further notes the harassment Rachel has also received. This Branch calls the GGC to ballot on the following, with a view for full reinstatement.

RMT on this mornings announcement of 1% increase in tube fares

This morning it was announced that there would be a  1% increase in tube fares in 2016.

General Secretary Mick Cash said:

"Travellers in and out of London are forking out huge sums for their rail and tube travel and they rightly expect a safe, reliable and well staffed service but that is being compromised against a background of cuts which is leaving stations and trains dangerously overcrowded.

RMT "committed to delivering night tube service"

RMT on Night Tube and Pay Talks Today

General Secretary Mick Cash said: “RMT is committed to delivering a night tube service that works for Londoners and which properly rewards and respects the staff across the network who will be absolutely key to making it tick. Safety of both staff and passengers has to be right ‎at the core of any agreement.

Night Tube Talks ACAS Update

LUL Pay and Night tube update acas talks 10th November 2015 Today our delegation met the company for the first time since October 14th. No revised offer was made with regards to pay and conditions However the company have said that they are prepared to move away from the interim arrangements and revise it to the long term solution on night tube .