London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Concerned By LU's Planned Social Media Policy

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that London Underground has written to RMT notifying us of its new guidelines for social media use. Once again, LUL has failed to consult us over a policy which significantly affects our members, and only asks for our "questions" after the document is published, not our input whilst it is being drafted.

RMT Will Take All Necessary Action To Defend Sacked SA Dayna Nembhard

We note the report from our Regional Organiser on this shocking case. We are appalled that London Underground has seen fit to victimise and sack a member of staff who did nothing more than stand up for herself against a racist attack while she was off-duty.

We note that there is to be a Directors' Review of this case tomorrow, and give notice that should this not lead to Dayna’s reinstatement, this union will fight this injustice with all methods at our disposal.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

LU Olympic Offer Update

We note the latest developments in talks at ACAS. Unfortunately, instead of going forward from the last wording agreed, London Underground management tried to change it, to add qualifications that appeared designed to tie us to agreements made by other unions and which we could not accept. In response to RMT’s claim for a £1,000 lump sum reward for all grades, LU offered £100 CSS bonus (dependant on targets); £20 per shift attendance for the four weeks of the Games events only; plus £500 for drivers, £350 for other grades, and no extra for admin staff.

LU RMT ACAS Olympic Talks Update

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

RMT attended talks at ACAS with London Underground yesterday about Olympics working. Unfortunately, instead of going forward from the last wording agreed, management tried to change it by adding qualifications that appeared designed to tie us to agreements made by other unions. RMT could not accept this.

Nowhere Over The Rainbow

RMT is fighting against London underground's 'rainbow' procedure for sickness.

It seems an odd choice of name. Rainbows are caused when the sun shines through the rain. If you have a few rainy days, there may well be no sunshine from the bosses at LU - just the sack.

There are many scenarios where you could fall foul of the new procedure and potentially lose your job.

Here are a few:

  • You had a few odd days off sick and then needed to care for a sick family member.

Stratford No1 Branch Olympic Newsletter

Please download and distribute Stratford branch newsletter using the link below. You can view it by clicking here.

Exceptionally Busy

This summer will see Tube staff of all grades working really hard to transport Londoners and visitors during the Olympic period. With the main venue being in Stratford, the Olympic Games Live Sites in Victoria Park and Hyde Park, and Marathon Swimming and Triathlon event in Hyde Park, the Central Line -our RMT branch’s area -is right at the heart of it.

Rock Solid Tube Lines Strike Causes Considerable Delay And Train Cancellations

  • Tube Lines RMT members to begin overtime ban from 00:01 on Wednesday 9 May until 00:01 on Wednesday 23 May
  • RMT applauds Tube Lines Staff who went on strike and LU staff who refused to work duties due to safety concerns.

RMT general grades have made the following decision:

We note the report from our lead officer and applaud our Tube Lines members for their solid, strong and effective strike action from 24-27 April. We also applaud those members on London Underground who

Mistreatment Of Service Control Staff Leads To Ballot For Industrial Action

In line with the recommendation of our representatives and previous decisions, we instruct the
General Secretary to ballot our London Underground service control members on the Piccadilly Line
and Sub-Surface Railway (SSR) for strike and action short of strike.

London Transport Regional Council, branches London Underground service control representatives to
be advised.

London Underground 'Rainbow' Attendance Policy

We note the report from our representative on file, outlining how London Underground is implementing its Rainbow Attendance policy, the unfairness and detriment this is causing to our members, and advice to representatives. We endorse this report, and instruct the General Secretary to send it by post to all London Underground representatives.

All responses are to be placed on file, and further reports, correspondence and legal opinions are to be placed in front of us.

Driverless Train Movements On Victoria Line & Automatic Door Opening

We note the correspondence from ASLEF. We instruct the General Secretary to reply, advising ASLEF that RMT is campaigning against the introduction of Automatic Door Opening on the Victoria Line and urging ASLEF to join us in this campaign. Any further correspondence from ASLEF, and reports of local contact with ASLEF on this matter, is to be placed in front of us.