London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Accept LU Olympic Offer Following Approval At Representatives Meeting

We note the overwhelming view of our representatives expressed at the meeting on Friday 25 May, and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to advise London Underground of our acceptance of the revised proposal. We note that as a result, our members will receive up to £1000 for Olympics working, none of which is dependant on changes to or breaches of agreements. This union has stood its ground and refused to sign up to any changes to the agreements that protect our members’ working conditions.

Tube Workers Balloted For Action In Two Separate Disputes

“Both of these disputes are about protecting our member’s jobs, working conditions and standards of living in the face of aggressive and bullying management tactics" - Bob Crow"

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it has begun balloting service control centre and Ticket/ Gate line Maintenance engineers staff for strike action and action short of a strike in two separate disputes over jobs, pay and conditions of service.

Proposals by London Underground regarding the move of Piccadilly Line Service Control to Hammersmith Service Control Centre have raised a range of union concerns that the management refuse to address

Ballot Papers For Service Control Industrial Action Sent Out Today

From General Secretary Bob Crow

You will be aware of the current proposals by London Underground regarding the move of Piccadilly Line Service Control to Hammersmith Service Control Centre. However we still have a substantial number of concerns over this process and believe service control staff and our representatives are being mistreated.

Our main areas of concern are as follows:

  • The Wholesale job losses arising from the move to Hammersmith Service Control Centre
  • The Non-payment of the Service Operator 3 rate of pay

Student Support For 'Justice For Dayna' Campaign

By Daniel Lemberger Cooper, President SURHUL & ULU Vice President-elect

A statement from Student union officers and student activists

We the undersigned support RMT member Dayna Nembhard's fight for reinstatement to her job on London Underground. Dayna was sacked for
defending herself against a racist attack

We see this as a continuation of the solidarity built between students and Tube workers during the anti-cuts struggles of the last two years, and a crucial battle in our movements' fight against racism and for workers' rights.


LUL Olympic Offer - Representatives Meeting - Friday 25th May 2012

From RMT London Transport Region Regional Organiser Steve Hedley

LUL have agreed to the release of all industrial representatives on Friday 25th May 2012 to attend a meeting to discuss the Olympic Offer at Hughes Parry Hall, 19-26 Cartwright Gardens, London WC1H 9EF (a short 5 min walk from Euston/Kings Cross Stations) commencing at 11:00 am to discuss the latest LUL Olympic offer.

Please ensure you have been released at local level.

London Underground's Savage Job Cuts U-turn

Following the removal of 800 station staff posts by the company last year, I write to advise you that London Underground is to recruit another 600 Customer Service Advisors (CSA’s), coming on top of the 300 employed earlier this year. The company has been forced into this massive u-turn, and has now increased the number of jobs by 100, after savage cuts within the last year.

Olympic Talks Between RMT And London Underground Progress At ACAS

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Your negotiating team met with LUL under the auspices of ACAS yesterday. The company has not changed its financial offer, and has proposed that in the event of duties remaining uncovered by volunteers at any location, the level 1 committee will meet to resolve it. There is no proposal to change Framework Agreements.

Guidance Notes For Duty Allocation Over The Olympics And Paralympics

RMT Trains Functional Reps have created a guideline for Olympic duty allocation. You can download it below and distribute.

  • What happens if I am not allowed in to take part of the allocation?
    • If you are not allowed in the allocation for whatever reason, inform your manager that it is the level 1 committees remit to carry out this task therefore you being part of that committee should be involved, and management and ASLEF should not continue with this process unless you are allowed in.

London Underground Facing Prosecution Over Runaway Northern Line Train

London Underground and Tube Lines are to be prosecuted by the Office Of Rail Regulation following a runaway engineering train on the northern line.

Back in August 2010, the defective engineering train ran backwards through six stations after it separated from the train which was towing it off of the line.

A collision with a passenger train was averted thanks to the quick actions of control room staff and train operators on the day.