London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT calls action over imposition of Night Tube

RMT calls action over imposition of impossible and unreasonable demands on staff in advance of Night Tube reopening

TUBE UNION RMT has called action by members over what it describes as the imposition of unacceptable and intolerable demands on staff in advance of the Night Tube reopening which the union says will wreck work life balance by bulldozing through additional night and weekend working.

The union’s executive has agreed the following position today:

75% of Tube workers subjected to workplace violence during Covid crisis

3 in 4 London Underground and TfL staff subjected to violence at work during Covid crisis, survey shows.

76% of staff in public facing roles on London’s Underground and TfL rail networks have been subjected to violence at work since the pandemic began, according to a new RMT survey, with half of these reporting that it has happened multiple times.

RMT oppose imposition of Night Tube duties on main rostern

27th October 2021


Dear Colleagues


I am writing further to my letter of 24th August 2021 and following notification from London Underground that they intend to resume Night Tube services on the Central Line and Victoria Line from Friday 26th November 2021.

Video: Regional Organiser responds to Tube bosses 'cuts wish-list'

RMT Regional Organiser John Leach discusses London Underground's 16 page 'cuts wish-list' and the action RMT is taking to fight back.

John Leach explains in the video "You've been heroes through the pandemic, you do a fantastic job and it is absolutely wrong that now, coming out of the pandemic TfL / London Underground want to put all that in jeopardy [by making cuts]."

RMT view that the TfL Pension Fund is well funded is now confirmed

Dear Colleague,


I refer to my previous email, 11th September 2021, as the RMT has been maintaining since the Independent Review of the TfL Pension Fund was announced it is our view, based on actuarial advice, that this final salary pension scheme is well funded and not in a position where our members benefit need to be reduced or their contributions need to increase.

RMT on Night Tube restart announcement

RMT responds to plans for limited Night Tube reopening

General Secretary Mick Lynch said:

“No one has worked harder to ensure a safe environment for women on London Underground than the RMT. While Tube bosses have axed staff and left stations routinely unstaffed, with all of the obvious risks, we have campaigned relentlessly for the front line, physical ‎presence of visible staff on stations and platforms.

Video: Night Tube dispute ACAS update

I and TFC reps attended ACAS today regarding the Night Tube dispute. It was confirmed that rosters currently produced and rejected by local reps on the Central and Victoria Lines were going to be those used when Night Tube returns which although still unconfirmed could be imminent. RMT reiterated the terms of the dispute which are 1. NT should be voluntary 2. There should be no increase in weekend working. 3. Shift patterns should not destroy our members' work life balance. 4. Over 200 Part Time positions should not be abolished.