London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

'Good progress' in talks sees Piccadilly strike date pushed back


Further to my previous Circular (IR/073/16, 17th March 2016), members took part in solidly supported strike action on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th March which closed down the Piccadilly Line. However, management took the aggressive stance of threatening our members that they would lose wages if they refused to book on at Oakwood Depot and the National Executive Committee took the decision to rescind this instruction.

Lillie Bridge Depot dispute update


As Branches and members may recall (Circular No. IR/584/13, 7th October 2013), agreement was reached to resolve the previous dispute with London Underground in 2013 over the proposed closure of Lillie Bridge Depot. However, it now seems that this agreement has been breached and I have recently received the following resolution from our LU Engineering Branch:-

“Ballot of all RMT members in Lillie Bridge Depot and those affected. Lillie Bridge Depot Closure and Breach of LU Company Council Agreement.

Lillie Road depot ballot called over mad dash demolition plan

RMT to ballot for action at main tube track maintenance and renewals depot.

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it has begun preparations for a ballot for both strike action and action short of a strike for all staff working out of the main track maintenance and renewals depot at Lillie Road in Earls Court.

RMT slams "Transport for London Bill" as a multi-billion pound rip off by the super-rich

Tonight, Tuesday 12th April, the Transport for London Bill has its third reading – a Bill which transport union RMT has slammed as a “multi-billion pound rip off tailored yet again to the tax-dodging, global super-rich.”

The Transport for London Bill was introduced into Parliament to help TfL maximise, at all costs, the profits that it makes from developing its property.

Central Line East Branch meeting


Central Line East branch meeting 14th April (day after payday)

At The Ex Services club, Harvey road, Leytonstone starts 17.00hrs with informal hour from 16.00hrs.

Harvey road is easy to find its the road to the side of KFC, All members new and old are welcome.

Your branch meetings are the cornerstone of RMT and the interface between YOU and the rest of the union

RMT Campaign sees plan to axe BTP tube sexual offences unit ditched

As union campaign forces shelving of plans to axe BTP tube sexual offences unit RMT demands proposals be scrapped completely.

After a union-led campaign to stop the axing of the specialist policing unit which investigates sexual offences on the Tube led to the plans being shelved at the weekend, main tube union RMT today demanded that they be scrapped entirely with more staff hired to stop the surge of sexual assaults on London’s transport services.

Bakerloo News April 2016

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for RMT members on the Bakerloo line.  In this edition:

  • As LU’s “new world” dawns... Fight for your future

  • Pay update

  • Hands off our mess rooms!

  • Management must stick to agreements

  • Justice for cleaners

  • RMT Women’s Survey

  • Moving? Tell your union!

  • Solidarity against terror and racism

  • Solidarity with Piccadilly Line drivers!

RMT demands closure of Ealing Broadway station over asbestos warning

TUBE UNION RMT today demanded the closure of Ealing Broadway station and urgent reassurances to staff after an asbestos alarm was raised by union reps.

Over the weekend there was a major incident at Ealing Broadway station when roof tiles, containing asbestos, fell on the platform. London Underground staff , unaware they contained asbestos , assisted in the clearing up . RMT says that it is not the first time that this has happened.

Tube workers ask: Where is our pay rise?


Following this Union’s official acceptance on 1st March of the 4-year pay offer for our LUL members, I would be grateful if you could advise me when the applicable increase and backdated monies will be paid to my members? 

The offer included the assurance that payment of basic salary to all eligible staff, backdated to 1 April 2015, will be paid through the first available payroll following acceptance of this offer but I have been informed that at the time of writing, it has not yet been implemented.