
All LTRC Newsletters and regular bulletins

Renewals & Enhancement Transformation

TfL logo and building

Yesterday (22/11/17), your reps met with London Underground to begin Transformation consultation. We were presented with a slideshow, which was a condensed version of the business case. Unfortunately, as with all other work streams, the number of people in scope, as well as the potential job losses, did not match on any of the documents the company have given us.

Bakerloo News October 2017

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line from the RMT Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:
- End outsourcing of cleaning
- Special Requirements Team union news
- Centre Group update
- Recognise our reps

Please download the attached newsletter and distribute in your workplace or share online.

RMT Upfront September 2017: Health and Safety news

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for Tube drivers from RMT activists.  In this health and safety edition:

  • Terrorist attack at Parson’s Green, management response highlights shortcomings
  • Not HOT, and what’s WHAT?
  • Flash & dash rehashed
  • Role out of training is not good enough
  • Radios and suspect packages
  • SPAD Rule Amalgamation
  • Cab Security

Please distribute the newsletter in your workplace and share it online.

Admin Customer Charter

At the latest MATS Functional Council (21/09/17), we raised issues around the Admin Customer Charter. To confirm, the document available is only a draft and has not been agreed by the unions. Management confirmed that this document is NOT to be used as a performance measure or in disciplinary action. They claim it is only guidance.

Newsnight September 2017

RMT Newsnight is news and information for Night Tube staff.  In this edition:

  • Dont face management alone - use your union rep
  • Piccadilly Line driver shortage
  • RMT branch meetings: You're welcome
  • London Overground

Please distribute in your workplace, and share online.