Vestas Occupation - Rally Tonight

Offshore energy union RMT will this evening fly a plane with messages of support for the Vestas occupation over the factory as Bob Crow and other supporters of the fight for jobs and green energy mass outside the gates for a rally in solidarity with the Vestas workforce at 6pm.

RMT and other trade unionists today managed to get some supplies of food and drink into the occupation. RMT have been working on contingency plans to drop food in by helicopter if necessary to ensure that the Vestas workers are not starved into submission and have called upon the wider trade union movement to ensure that supplies are maintained.

Bob Crow, RMT general secretary, said:

“The Vestas workforce are in the front line of the fight for jobs and the environment and RMT are calling for the maximum effort from all quarters to make sure that these brave men and women are not starved into submission.

“The government cannot sit on the sidelines. They have a duty to intervene. If they can take the banks into public ownership then there’s no reason at all why they can’t nationalise Vestas.”

> RMT National News

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Wednesday, 10th July
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Monday, 8th July
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Friday, 5th July
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