RMT calls on London mayor Sadiq Khan to bring Tube cleaners in-house

Pressure is growing on London’s Labour Mayor to commit to ending the privatisation of Underground cleaning as RMT received a statement of support from the Labour Group in the London Assembly.

The statement from Len Duvall AM, leader of the Labour Group, pledges the Labour AMs’ support for ‘action to secure better working conditions and job security for cleaners on the London Underground, as well as making the case for bringing cleaners in-house as a viable option for a new contract in 2022’.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said,

“It’s good news that London’s Labour movement is uniting around this campaign.

“These cleaners are unsung heroes of the Underground and it’s a disgrace that they’ve been privatised on the basis that they are supposedly ‘non-core’.

“The truth is that they’re central to a clean and safe passenger experience. I hope Sadiq Khan is listening and I repeat my call on him to commit to bringing these workers in house.”

> RMT National News

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