RMT Demands Real Negotiations on FftF Issues

LU's new COO has issued a bulletin claiming a bizzare reluctance to talk on the part of the TU's.
Bizarrely, this claim is made by a COO who has yet to utter a word to any officer or rep from any of the TUs.

Following two meetings at ACAS on Pay & Night-tube the outging COO did no more than restate their opening at Company Council two months ago - LU wants a fair, affordable and sustainable pay settlement.

Upfront Ballot Special: Tube Bosses Declare War On Drivers

  • LUL Declare Ware On Drivers
  • Unions Unite
  • Ir's a Nightmare on Night Tube

LUL's plans for new rosters to facilitate night tube rip up our hard earned agreements in a serial killing of our work life balance that Freddy Kruger would be proud of. These proposed rosters really are the stuff of nightmares…and the ones that LUL have shared so far are the “good ones”.

SFC News: Vote Yes for Strike Action

RMT is balloting LU station members for strike action in response to LU's revised proposals for job cuts and detrimental changes to working conditions.
Our stations will be dangerously understaffed while our members rostering arrangements will be casualised leaving us with no work/life balance.
Download and distribute the attached SFC News. It contains info about LU's latest plans for stations and calls for a Yes Vote for strike action and action short of strikes.
Printed copies will be available from Unity House from Wed 10 june.

Pay & Night Tube Dispute: Acas Update

LUL Pay and Night Tube Negotiaions ACAS update from Regional Organiser John Leach

Dear RMT Members

Today myself and senior RMT reps from all LUL grades attended exploratory talks at ACAS to discuss the above matter. All the unions made the same point that LUL must abandon its reckless decision to break our current arrangements , and that the management must agree to negotiate changes.