Welcome to the Bakerloo Branch website

The Bakerloo Branch of the RMT represents and organises members of all operational grades on the Bakerloo Line. This includes station staff, train drivers and service controllers. We also have members from the old British Rail Hotels.

The Bakerloo Branch is responsible for the effective union organisation on the Bakerloo Line. The Branch is the first port of call for members who need assistance.

We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 16:00 hours, upstairs at the Coach and Horses, 1 Great Marlborough Street, London W1F 7HG, near Oxford Circus tube.

If you have any any problems or want to know more about the Branch please email the Branch Secretary, Jim McDaid at bakerlooline@rmt.org.uk.

RMT Action Sees End Of Low Paid Cleaners Being Charged For Protective Equiptment


It was made known to me that some agencies who currently provide staff to Interserve were charging their employees for the PPE they are required to wear to carry out duties for London Underground whilst working for Interserve.

Information received suggested that they were being charged £35 for boots, which can only be purchased from the agency, £5 for bump hats, £5 for Hi Vi vest, as well as being charged for overalls and safety goggles.

Special Bakerloo Branch Meeting 17/6/15

At the Royal Exchange, 26 Sale Place, Lancaster Gate, London, W2 1PU

An extra meeting to discuss organising to maximise turn out on the up coming ballot. It's important we get as large a YES vote returned as possible to send a clear message to LU.

With LU digging their heels in during negotiations on pay and night tube, not meaningfully responding our claims and pressing recklessly ahead with massive job cuts on our stations, it may be necessary for all underground workers to take industrial action.

John McDonnell MP calls upon RMT members to support June 20th demo

John McDonnell MP calls upon RMT members to support June 20th demo filmed at the June RMT Bakerloo Branch meeting.


Assemble 12pm, Bank of England (Queen Victoria St) City of London
March to Parliament Square
Organised by The People's Assembly

Getting there:

London Transport Region Circular June 2015

15th June 2015 Circular No IR/150/15

Dear Colleagues,


Further to my previous Circular (IR/144/15, 4th June 2015), the Company has been informed that we are in dispute over the following issues:-

The unacceptably high number of job losses
The unacceptable rosters being imposed on Station Staff, including lone working
The unacceptable displacement of huge numbers of staff on London Underground
Detrimental changes to employment policies