Station grades have two compelling reasons to strike alongside all the LU recognised unions on 8/9 July.
Fit for the Future threatens to casualise our working lives and force us to work in chronically understaffed stations.
LU's attempt to impose Night Tube without sufficient staffing will mean working additional nights and weekends.
Please download and distribute the newsletter.
Printed copies will be available at Unity House from Friday afternoon.
Make sure someone from your group is able to pick up copies to get around to all station members.

latest edition of london calling - strike special edition ALL OUT JULY 8/9

latest edition of rmt London calling

download, print ,distribute and display around your workplace

Hard copies available from Unity House from Friday

The strikes are on

All grades (apart from T/Ops & I/Os)

Do not book on for duty 1830 July 8 until 1829 July 9

T/ops & I/Os do not book on for duty 2130 July 8 until 2129 July 9

OT ban from 2130 July 9

The unrealistic and unfair thresholds the Tories and the Mayor wish to impose on Strike ballots have been well and truly hurdled by workers on the tube.

RMT Brian Munro Commemorative Soirée

Bar & buffet to commemorate the life of our former council of executive representative & Bakerloo branch secretary; RMT activist; dear friend and comrade Brian Munro.

Guest speakers including RMT President Peter Pinkney

Upstairs @ the Royal Exchange Pub, 26 Sale Place, London, W2 1PU
Nearest tube: Edgware Rd or Paddington

A poster is attached for distributing.


Piccadilly Reps Report July 2015

Well I am pleased to say that my area is fantastically strong. We REPs have recruited every single new person to the Piccadilly Circus group. Fixed term as well. 12 members in the last month.

Amazing, it's really easy for you to use your iPad to recruit. Giving someone a paper membership application is so last year. I do it on my personal iPad. Takes 5 minutes.

850 Job Cuts Threatened On Tube As Terror Attack 10th Anniversary Coming Up

A week before 10th anniversary of London 7/7 terror attacks RMT warns of "dangerous complacency" over cuts
A week before the 10th anniversary of the London 7/7 terror attacks transport union RMT has warned of "dangerous complacency" on the part of tube bosses who appear to make no connection at all between incident response times and staffing numbers on stations and platforms.