Jeremy Corbyn MP Writes to RMT Members "Together We Can Win"

Labour leadership contender Jeremy Corbyn has written to the RMT to express his gratitude at support from members. At the recent RMT AGM Corbyn's campaign to lead the Labour Party was unanimously supported by delegates.

Dear Colleague

I am really grateful for the support of RMT members. Working together with thousands of trade union members we can win this campaign for a better Labour Party that fights for the interests of the working class.

You can support my campaign for fairness and justice by

M Door Dispute Discussions Continue


We met with management to discuss the Jubilee Line M Door issue, and a host of other issues at a recent Tier 2A meeting.

The upshot is, we are still no nearer a resolution on this issue. We will need another meeting to discuss the issue further, but in the meantime, management have a agreed not to ask any driver to carry on to the next station to check should they receive an M Door activated alarm. Drivers will be allowed to go back and check, even between stations.

RMT Responds As Rail Assaults Up 6%

Commenting on the RSSB annual report today General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"These are truly shocking figures that are a wake up call for the politicians and train companies pressing ahead with cash-led plans to axe staff from trains and stations.

"RMT has warned repeatedly that sacking guards and destaffing the platforms would turn our railways into a criminals' paradise and here is the concrete evidence that shows the consequences of crashing on regardless.

ACAS Talks Halted Over Union Safety Concerns

Talks aimed at settling the dispute over night running on London Underground have been halted this morning (Tuesday) after tube union RMT was called in for an emergency meeting with the safety regulator following a series of serious breaches of safety protocols over the past week directly linked to the RMT overtime ban.

The talks were due to recommence at ACAS this morning but have been shelved to allow for RMT senior representatives to attend the urgent meeting at the ORR.

The safety issues have been raised by RMT over the weekend.

Fleet Agency Trainers Dispute ACAS Update

Today (Monday) I'm attending talks with LUL about our joint dispute with Unite over the outsourcing of LUL jobs (in training) to agency on the Fleet project Heavy Overhaul Programe Lift (HOPL).

This is a major project to overhaul the Central line rolling stock - trains. This project is being used as a Trogan horse to outsource directly employed staff.

RMT and Unite are fighting this tooth and nail and currently we have an overtime ban right across the Fleet membership on LUL.

We have other 'action short' industrial action too.