Bakerloo News January 2017 - strike special

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for members of the Bakerloo branch. This is a special edition covering the ongoing battle for more jobs to improve safety on London Underground.

In this edition:

  • Stand firm to win jobs
  • Drivers: safety first!

  • Further Strikes Planned

  • Oxo jobs win

  • No cutting corners with minimum numbers!

  • Rep elections

Please share on social media, or prnt out and distribute in your workplace.


Public rally - Staff Our Stations

Staff Our Stations - Emergency Public Rally in support of Tube workers

Wednesday 1 February, 18:30pm

Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6AQ

Tube journeys are up by 23% in the last six years.

Even Tube management have conceded that the 838 job cuts imposed by the previous Mayor, have had a devastating impact on passenger safety.

General Walkabout/Recruitment Campaign

A General Walkabout will take place at Bond Street and Baker Street Stations on Wednesday 15th February. All Reps and Activists are encouraged to attend. The aim of these walkabouts is to promote the RMT Union and the Neasden Branch, and to encourage new members to join. For convenience purposes, this walkabout has been arranged on the same day as the February branch meeting. Please meet in the Bond Street main booking hall area at 11am. 

Cleaning Co-Ordinator Required

Would any Branch Member be willing to take up the position of Cleaning Co-Ordinator? This person would be central to any issues involving any of the cleaners who are members of our branch, and would be expected to represent the cleaning grades at our Branch Meetings. 

If you are interested in this role or would like to know more about it, please contact the Branch Secretary or Branch Chairman.