Update: fight the anti-strike bill

Dear Colleagues,


I wanted to provide you with an important update on our campaign against the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill which continues to pose a fundamental threat to our democratic and human right to withdraw our labour.

Tube Spending cuts, job losses and pension attacks must end

Spending cuts, job losses and pension attacks must end, RMT has told the London Mayor today.

The tube union wrote to Sadiq Khan today, emphasising the importance of station staff to the safe running of London Underground and the need for the mayor to resist Tory budget cuts. 

In the letter, RMT general secretary Mick Lynch wrote: "Stations were closed on 2115 occasions last year, compared with a pre-pandemic high of 649. Of course, this is only a figure for closures. More often, stations will have been left open with no staff.

Special bulletin: Defend Jobs, Pensions & Agreements

TfL and the government both identify the transfer of our pensions into the Local Government Pension Scheme as a way of cutting pensions and increasing your contributions.

  • 600 job cuts on stations causing massive increase in station closures
  • Trains productivity demands threaten flexible working and hundreds of job cuts
  • Engineering & Fleet maintenance members face redeployment with no permanent protection of earnings

Download the attached newsletter to read what London undeground bosses have planned and how we will fight back.


RMT's victory on TfL travel passes for sub-contracted cleaners - passes issued from now

Dear colleague

RMT's victory on TfL travel passes for sub-contracted cleaners - passes issued from now

As I have reported before, RMT's campaigning has won a major concession for sub-contracted cleaners working at Transport for London. Cleaners who work at TfL will now receive an Oystercard for travel on TfL's network. I'm writing now with more details about the eligibility and process for getting this travel pass.

International Workers' Memorial Day 2023

Dear Colleague,


I remind members that 28th April is International Workers' Memorial Day.

Many will be holding a one-minute silence at 12.00 to remember all those who have died because of work.

If anyone is organising an event/ online event at your workplace you could consider arranging for a speaker from Families Against Corporate Killers (FACK) or the hazards Campaign.  If you need one, please contact them and they can try to arrange it.

Cleshar 'paltry pay offer' rejected

22nd March 2023

Dear Colleagues,


The Regional Organiser submitted a report advising that Cleshar has made an offer of a 3% increase in base pay rates from April 2023, with any further increases subject to productivity gains. Discussions are continuing with the Company but, at this time, the Regional Organiser recommends that the offer be formally rejected, and the Company be informed of this position.