RMT Executive decisions

Decisions of RMT's Council of Executives, and of RMT's General Grades Committee (the section of the Council of Executives which deals with industrial matters for railway and other non-shipping grades)

RMT Steadfast Resolve Sees Contract Work Brought Back In House


Further to my previous Circular No. IR/42/14, 30th January 2014, talks aimed at resolving a range of issues affecting our ex-Metronet grades members have taken place at ACAS. These talks were positive and the General Grades Committee has noted the correspondence on file and that the LU Engineering Branch has indicated acceptance of the proposals.

Unfairly Sacked Driver's Morden Depot Colleagues balloted For Strike


Following the Morden & Oval Branch resolution regarding the above, the General Grades Committee took the decision to ballot all drivers at Morden for strike action and call for his immediate reinstatement (Circular No. IR/240/14, 12th September 2014).

Significant Progress Leads To Strike Being Called Off

‘That we note the update report from the Lead Officer which outlines progress that has been made at ACAS since our last decision to call strike action which are as follows:

  • LU has abandoned their position that consultation has been completed. They now accept further consultation will take place on Fit for the Future, Stations.
  • LU has accepted that the number of post reductions will be further reduced from the planned 897.
  • The crucial principle of Salary and location guarantee has been extended to all staff who have medical restrictions.

Locked Out Cleaners Return To Work

Further to my previous Circular No. IR/246/14, 19th September, members voted overwhelmingly in favour of taking industrial action. Following this result, extensive talks have taken place under the auspices of ACAS and we are now in a position that allows our locked out members to return to work with dignity, including a hardship loan from the Company for those that need it. The options that have been given to individuals returning are as follows:-

Reinstate Vicky Hayward!

GGC decision, 30 September

That we note with regret that on 29 September, London Underground Ltd summarily dismissed Sister Vicky Hayward. We are shocked and appalled that the company chose to disregard all the arguments and evidence that Sister Hayward and her representative put forward, and persisted in using managers' statements as to what they had seen on CCTV footage as "evidence" despite the actual footage having been destroyed.

We note the legal advice received, which confirms that LUL's actions are in breach of data protection law and employment law.

Transfer of 'Prosecution Activities' From LUL to TFL


‘That we note the local processes have now concluded and we note the position. Should any issues arise from future meetings with the company the General Secretary is instructed to place these matters in front of this GGC’

RMT Lays Out Future Of Every Job Matters Dispute

  • LU crumbled and acceded to critical demands placed on them by this union
  • Union’s position remains the same: no job cuts, no ticket office closures and no to austerity on London’s Underground.
  • Union is particularly concerned on the statements made by LU Directors that they will be coming for our member’s pensions.
  • Strike pay to be discussed

GGC Decision

Bosses Attempt To Interfere In RMT Internal Democracy Reprehensible

This General Grades Committee notes the report from our Lead Officer and are extremely dismayed that London Underground has failed to make any significant offer at ACAS that would be acceptable to this union and our members. Not only that, but LU’s last minute conditional demand that we withdraw our dispute over this is completely inappropriate and not how this union does business. It is also a reprehensible attempt to interfere with the internal democracy of this union. As a consequence our strike action scheduled for next week remains on.

Unfair Treatment of Brother McKoy Leeds To Fleet Strike Ballot

We note the resolution from our LU Fleet Branch share their sentiments on the unfair treatment of Brother McKoy by the COO Operations Management Management.

We also agree that the intervention of a COO manager on our members on Fleet side of LU has serious implications and sets a dangerous precedent for our members. We agree to enter into dispute with the company over this matters and ballot all our LU Fleet members for industrial action short of strike action. We instruct the General Secretary to work with LU Fleet branch to serve notice on this matter within 2 weeks.