Dear Colleagues,
Windrush 75th Anniversary Events
On 22nd June it will be the 75th Anniversary of when HMT Empire Windrush arrived in Britain. There will be many events to commemorate this anniversary around the country, and I write to highlight and encourage attendance at two in London:
1) Windrush Parade: 22nd June 2023, 3.15pm onwards from Herne Hill to Windrush Square in Brixton. We wish to celebrate the contribution that the Windrush generation and their descendants have played in the transport industry and our union. RMT members are invited to take part in the “Building Britain” section of this parade. Please email Jess Webb, if you wish to take part.
2) TUC London East and South East Region Race Relations Committee: 20th June 2023, 5.30-7.30pm. An evening of enlightenment and discussion on the Windrush Generation and the ongoing campaign for justice. Speakers include Maria Exall, TUC President, Zita Holbourne, AEU and PCS, and Wilf Sullivan (TUC). Venue TUC General Council Chamber, Congress House, Great Russell Street, WC1B 3LS. To register please email:
For any queries on this, please contact our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb j.webb [at]
Yours sincerely,
Michael Lynch
General Secretary
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