Tube workers to demonstrate against job cuts WEDNESDAY FEB 11

RMT press release, issued today

RMT to lobby LUL headquarters at Broadway from 08:00

LONDON UNDERGROUND’S biggest union will tomorrow (Wednesday) demonstrate its opposition to at least 1,000 redundancies planned by Tube bosses with a mass Lobby at the network’s 55 Broadway headquarters.

The noisy and colourful protest will commence at 08:00 on Wednesday, February 11

The union has already indicated that it will resist job losses, and that any attempt to impose compulsory redundancies among its members would be met with a ballot for industrial action.

“It is scandalous that loyal Tube workers doing their best to provide a service to the public should have to pay with their jobs for a financial crisis that is none of their making,” RMT general secretary Bob Crow said today.

“There is no way that job losses on the scale planned by TfL can be implemented without affecting services, and it is sheer nonsense to suggest that there are hoards of superfluous workers that can be weeded out.

“We have made it quite clear that any attempt to impose compulsory redundancies among our members or to undermine their terms and conditions will be met with a ballot for industrial action,” Bob Crow said.

> RMT National News

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