Tube union RMT on leaked report showing impact of maintaining social distancing on London Underground

Commenting on a leaked report showing the impact of maintaining social distancing on London Underground, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"The report leaked this morning to the BBC exposing the impact on passenger numbers of maintaining Government social distancing guidelines on the tube is a wake up call to all those tub-thumping for a jacking up of transport services from May 18th without properly assessing the consequences. 

"The issues on London Underground would be mirrored on other rail services and it's about time those leading the charge towards May 18th started taking these realities seriously. 

"To maintain the Governments own social distancing guidance would mean huge logistical and staffing input to ‎manage passenger flows onto trains and it is imperative that all staff involved in this process are properly protected. 

"RMT will not compromise on the health, safety and livelihoods of our members and we will not agree to anything that fails to put the safety of staff and passengers first."

  • Read the BBC article on the leaked report here.


> RMT National News

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