Standing up for all workers
Wednesday 10th February 2010
In your article titled TfL staff lobby bosses over pay offer (M Star February 3) Steve Hedley, RMT regional organiser, is totally correct in his assertion: "Unless people are prepared to take industrial action, this will keep happening."
This dispute has dragged on since April 2009 and all trade unions within TfL were happy to sit back and let the management set the agenda with the proud exception of the RMT TfL No 1 Branch who stood up and balloted their members for industrial action resulting in two days of action alongside their comrades on LUL.
Certain other trade unions within TfL, instead of standing together, used this as an excuse to try to poach RMT members and tried their best to undermine the RMT stance. Now they are wondering why TfL management are treating staff with contempt over the three-year deal and their travel allowances.
The only way for trade unions to protect their members from attacks like these is to stand up and be counted. Unfortunately, a lobby of TfL is too little too late.
To quote La Pasionaria: "It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees."
Paul Rutland Chair RMT TfL No 1 Branch
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