Report on 17th Pensioners' Parliament, 2-4 June 2009

From Ted Richardson, Secretary, London Transport Retired Members' branch ...

My report is fairly short due to the fact that I suffered a blackout during the course of the Conference and had to return home for medical treatment. ...

The main part of the meeting, which was attended by 2,000 registered delegates, centred around the Questions and Answers session with Rosie Winterson (Labour), Nigel Waterson (Conservative), Paul Rowan (Liberal) and Joe Harris, Vice President of NPC. The main issues raised were MPs' expenses and at the point the Chairman, Professor Alan Walker, asked the delegates to raise their voting cards if they trusted MPs in general, around 100 did so - which gives a clear indication of the general level of confidence in our politicians.

The level of the State Pension was also raised and again there was no indication that any of the Parties were willing to raise the basic pension. Elder Abuse was another topic, along with Dignity in Care and the link with earnings.

The reality is that all the major parties sing from the same songbook when it comes to pensions and the struggle to improve all the issues raised will have to continue up to, and after, the forthcoming General Election.