Emergency Resolution: Emergency Right to Work Conference

This resolution, submitted as an emergency resolution by LU Fleet and seconded by Jubilee South & East London Line, was carried unanimously by the April meeting of the Regional Council:

1. We note with concern the pre-election commitment of the leaders of all three major parties that public services will be cut in order to fund the public budget deficit.

2. We deplore the attacks made by David Cameron, Gordon Brown and Lord Adonis together with the right wing media on those workers, such as the BA cabin crew, trying to defend their rights, conditions and pay.

3. We believe that working people should not have to pay for a deficit that has been caused by this Government nationalising the gambling debts run up by the bankers.

4. We also note that cuts are already being implemented in higher education, council services, schools and the NHS even before the introduction of any overall austerity package.

5. We deplore the attempts by unelected European Union and International Monetary Fund officials to foist a full-blooded austerity package on the people of Greece, where pensions and wages are being cut and services slashed, but welcome the resistance being shown by Greek trade unionists, pensioners and students.

6. We welcome the decision of the Right to Work campaign to hold an emergency post-election conference on Saturday 22 March aimed at uniting workers, students, pensioners and all those rely on public services in building and developing attacks on our services, jobs and living standards.

7. This branch agrees to support the conference and to send a motion to London Transport Regional Council, to encourage that body to send 5 delegates to the conference.

8. Further we agree to affiliate to the Right to Work campaign. To affiliate to the national Right to Work campaign (cost £30 – send cheques payable to Manchester TUC and marked “RtW Affiliation” to the above address.)

Delegate costs for 22 May, £8 per delegate, cheque payable to Manchester TUC to the above address, enclose name/s of delegates, body they represent and contact details.