DLR And Tube Cleaners Solid In Support Of Strike Action In Fight For Fairness On Olympics Payments

Transport union RMT said today that DLR and tube cleaners working for Initial, ISS and Carlisle are rock solid in their support for strikes that started this morning for fair pay and Olympics recognition and reward.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said;

"On the opening day of the Games the many millions enjoying the events around the globe must not forget the London transport cleaners on minimum pay rates doing some of the dirtiest jobs in often appalling conditions with no Olympics recognition and reward whatsoever.

"The Olympics has to be about equality, inclusiveness and social justice and that's what our cleaners are standing up for on this great day for London."

> RMT National News

Wednesday, 27th March
Rail union RMT members working for CrossCountry to take strike action against de-recognition of supervisory and clerical grades.