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Further to my previous Circular (IR/1/17, 3rd January 2017), the National Executive Committee congratulated all members for the tremendous strike action on Sunday 8th and Monday 9th January 2017. Now the Company has until Monday 6th February to come up with a genuine proposal which meets our reasonable demands over station staffing and safety. If nothing is forthcoming, the NEC has resolved to call further, escalated strike action as the current situation is a disaster waiting to happen and cannot be allowed to continue.
In the meantime, the overtime and rest day working ban, non-familiarisation and non-rostering of overtime remains on as a clear demonstration that it is not possible to run a decent service without sufficient, experienced, safety-critical staff.
The following resolution has also been received from Bakerloo Branch:-
“This Branch calls on the NEC to name a programme of further strikes in the station staffing dispute. These strikes should:-
- Be longer than 48 hours
- Seek to maximise disruption, for example by taking place on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- Involve Night Tube staff, with at least one strike day starting or finishing at 23:01 on a Friday
- Be announced as part of an ongoing programme of action, also involving demos, rallies etc., similar the approach RMT has pursued in the dispute on Southern
- Coordinate as much as possible with other disputes, including the Central Line Drivers’ dispute and the Southern dispute”.
This National Executive Committee has now referred this matter to the Southern Sub-Committee and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
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