RMT Upfront

An archive of 'RMT Upfront' newsletters


Trains Grades Meeting

Train Grades is a monthly meeting for RMT London Underground driver activists. At the meeting Trains Functional Council (grade wide industrial), Tier 2 (grade wide health and safety) and local representatives give updates on current issues and answer questions. Local reps and activists also give reports, ask questions, get updates and become further involved in organising campaigns and activities.

RMT Upfront: Tube Drivers' News Pay Special

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for tube drivers from the RMT. In this special edition we look at what the company has offered for drivers in their so called 'full and final' pay and conditions offer, and why the RMT has come to the decision that a ballot for industrial action is now required to enable us to push for a better, fairer offer.

Tube drivers' news: RMT Upfront May 2019

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for Tube drivers from RMT activists.

In this edition, put together by the union for Tube drivers:

- As another driver’s cab is broken into, RMT says….

- Train Prep cuts proposal will seriously impact drivers

- The curious incident of the trespasser on the track

- Smartcap

Please download the attached newsletter to read it, print it out and distribute it in your depot, and share this article on line.

RMT Upfront - HOT procedure special

Upfront is the newsletter for train drivers on the tube from RMT activists.  This is a special edition about the HOT process and the RMT's ongoing battle with management to make it safe and fit for purpose.

Please share this newsletter online and print it out for distribution in your depot.


RMT Upfront September 2018

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground drivers, produced by RMT activists.

Here's a taster of what is in this edition.  Download the newsletter to read the full articles, share it online ands distribute it in your depot.

Occupational ill health 
In the latest round of Fit for Nothing or Transformation as LU prefer to call it Occupational Health have become another victim of the abacus and axe.

RMT Upfront February 2018

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground train drivers written by RMT drivers.

In this edition:

  • Central line safety issues rumble on
  • Code red in the depot
  • Noise and rough rides worsen
  • Night Tube policing
  • 4g in tunnels

Please download, print and distribute n your workplace or share this article on line.



Bakerloo News December 2017

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for members of the Bakerloo branch, from RMT reps and activists on the line.

In this edition:

  • Fight for a shorter working week
  • Fatigue group established
  • RMT supports Picturehouse and McDonald’s strikers
  • ABM suspends cleaners: RMT fights for justice!
  • Rosters
  • AG1 Cuts?
  • OPOs not working? Request assistance!
  • Farewell, comrade

Please download the attached newsletter and distribute it in your workplace or share online with your colleagues.

RMT Upfront late December 2017

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground drivers, from the RMT.  In this edition, which focuses on health and safety issues:

  • Improvements must be made to driver safety
  • Detrainment staff 
  • Formal investigation into Parson’s Green bomb begins
  • Changes to CDP
  • Train Prep changes

Please distriubute the newsletter in your depot, or share it online with your colleagues.

Danny Davis to Come Back as a Driver

Let nobody be in any doubt - this is a fantastic result for Danny. Having been sacked for an alleged offence that certainly didn’t merit dismissal, Danny was looking at a bleak future for himself and his family. On appeal he was given a position as a CSA2, but after a formal request from the RMT Regional Organiser to the HR Director Danny was moved to a CSA1 position. Then the result of the RMT ballot for strike action came back and suddenly the landscape changed.