London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Hammersmith & City and Circle Line Drivers' strike goes ahead from this evening

Following an overwhelming vote for action by RMT drivers on the Hammersmith and City and Circle Lines, and a failure to reach an agreement in talks held through ACAS right up to the wire yesterday, the union has confirmed this morning that 24 hours of strike action will go ahead from this evening.

All affected members have been instructed NOT TO BOOK ON for any shifts that commence between:-

Bakerloo News September 2016

Bakerloo news is the newsletter for workers on the line, from the RMT Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:

  • LU must reverse job cuts!
  • Staff our depots!

  • Oxo jobs fight

  • LDIs: our warning to management

  • Oblique images: action needed

  • New fight for cleaners

  • Drivers: stand firm

  • Take safety seriously

Hammersmith & City drivers vote yes to strike


Further to my previous Circular (IR/237/16, 12th August 2016), the ballots regarding the above have concluded with members voting as follows:-


Hammersmith Traincrew Depot


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast                29

Number Voting ‘Yes’           27

Number Voting ‘No’            2

Spoilt Papers                     0


Latest from Company Council Sub Group (CCSG) Talks

Transfer & Promotion (T&P)

Following months of talks in which RMT has out the issue of avoiding multiole displacements following FftF, LU has finally issued a revised proposla that guarantees no-one will be displaced sideways. What this means is that anyone covering down one grade can only be displaced into their permanent substantive position. This removes the threat, contained in all of LU's T&P proposals until now, that members could be dislaced up to five times as LU shuffled us about to get rid of cover downs and over establishment positions.

RMT on the launch of Night Tube

"it is not politicians and their top officials who will deliver a Night Tube for London it is the cleaners, station staff, drivers, engineers and all the other grades working anti-social hours"

RMT sets out its position on the roll out of the first phase of the Night Tube this weekend.

Exterion Media Pay


In line with union policy, a claim for an increase in pay and improved terms and conditions was submitted to the Company. After negotiations between management and the RMT, the following two-year offer has been tabled:-