London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Bakerloo News October 2018

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line, produced by RMT activists.

In this edition:

  • RMT exposes scandal of unstaffed stations
  • Stations north of Queen’s Park left unstaffed three times per week or more
  • Drivers, station staff: prepare to take action to demand safe staffing!
  • South Group: cover the duties!
  • Vote Michelle Rodgers
  • Your branch meeting details

Please download and distribute the newsletter in your workplace, and share it online.

Piccadilly Line bosses 'put nothing forward to resolve dispute'


That we note the request from the company to attend ACAS; but that they have put nothing forward to resolve this dispute.

The strike remains on; and we look forward to receiving a meaningful resolution from the company to be discussed at ACAS at the earliest opportunity from Monday.

Neasden branch resolution on management bullying


That we note the resolution from our Neasden Branch; and instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report from our Lead Officer to be placed in front of this NEC by Tuesday 2nd October 2018.

Further, we instruct the General Secretary to prepare a ballot matrix of all members in the Metropolitan Line South Cover Group: CSA 1&2’s and CSS 1’s.

Neasden Branch and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Tube bosses secret W&C dispute attack plan exposed

That we note the report from our Lead Officer that the company’s secret planned backlash against our members has been exposed.

Upon booking on, the company are planning to doorstep our driver members taking industrial action short of a strike, instructing them to confirm they will carry out the new imposed unsafe detraining process; sending them home without pay if they say they are abiding by their unions instruction to work safely.

This union will NOT tolerate our driver members being intimidated or victimised for taking lawful industrial action.

Picc Line dispute ACAS talks

RMT confirms ACAS talks this morning in Piccadilly Line drivers dispute

Tube union RMT confirmed today that it will be attending talks at ACAS this morning in the long-running dispute on the Piccadilly Line over the breakdown of industrial relations and a comprehensive failure by management to deliver on promised improvements following previous rounds of industrial action.

Strike action scheduled to start at lunchtime Wednesday and running on a phased basis through to Saturday remains on.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

Jubilee South News September 2018 - CSAs join detrainment dispute

Jubilee South News is written by RMT activists in the Jubilee South branch. Please print and distribute in your workplace, and share online with colleagues.

In this edition:

  • CSAs join detrainment dispute

  • Is WTT15 Safe?

  • Inappropriate use of CCTV

  • Core values under pressure

  • New rosters at Waterloo

  • Police, thieves and blurred lines

  • Calling in sick?

  • People forum

  • The RMT is your union, have your say!

Police & Thieves. And Blurred Lines

Those of us who were involved in defending the London Bridge 3 have always held the belief, which was vindicated when LUL chose not to defend their decision to sack Lee Cornell at the ET, that the fare evader was no more than an anti social petty criminal who was spoiling for a row when he was challenged for not having a ticket.