London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT calls strike over "unworkable timetable" on Bakerloo line

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it has called strike action on the Bakerloo line in a dispute over the impact on train drivers over unworkable timetable changes that place operators under intolerable levels of personal stress.

A ballot for action covering driver members produced a 95% vote for action.
Members have been instructed as follows;

Report: TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Forum, 29 January 2020

The TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Trade Union Engagement Forum met on 29 January. RMT was represented by Janine Booth, Paul Greany, Jamie Parry and Daniel Randall (a last-minute stand-in for Glen Hart).


RMT tabled five issues for discussion. The other unions did not table any items, but ASLEF, TSSA and Unite did attend, and supported RMT’s demands.


1. Recognition of new name/gender

RMT writes to LU to discuss concerns about CBTC system


I previously advised you that, with regard to a resolution submitted by our Neasden Branch which highlighted a number of areas of concern for members working in Trains, Stations and Service Control over the introduction of the new Communication Based Train Control (CBTC), I was instructed to inform London Underground that a failure to address these matters would result in a dispute situation existing (Ref: IR/515/19, 18th December 2019).

Revenue to be balloted over creation of new grade on inferior terms


I previously advised you that RMT has launched a campaign for Justice for Station and Revenue Staff (Ref: IR/023/20, 15th January 2020, with the immediate instruction from your National Executive Committee being that I commence a ballot of Revenue Control Inspectors.

Trains Grades Meeting

Train Grades is a monthly meeting for RMT London Underground driver activists. At the meeting Trains Functional Council (grade wide industrial), Tier 2 (grade wide health and safety) and local representatives give updates on current issues and answer questions. Local reps and activists also give reports, ask questions, get updates and become further involved in organising campaigns and activities.