London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Arrest Of Mark Harding A Travesty Of Civil Liberties Say RMT

We note the resolution from the London Transport Regional Council and wholeheartedly agree that the arrest by BTP of Mark Harding, the RMT Branch Secretary of Hammersmith & City Branch was a travesty of civil of liberties. Bro Harding was arrested despite only carrying out legitimate trade union activities whilst on the picket line outside his place of work. We agree that his detention for nearly 13 hours and the draconian bail conditions imposed were extreme to say the least.

RMT Platform Newsletter March 2014

The March 2014 edition of 'RMT Platform' for tube station workers is now available. In this edition:

  • Union Action Pauses Cuts and Closures Plan - But the Fight Goes On
  • Be Prepared To Strike Again
  • The issues RMT has raised in talks so far
  • Join The Campaign
  • Embankment Ticket Office Closed

Tube Bosses Mostly Unresponsive In 'Every Job Matters' Talks


It should come as no surprise that Management totally rejected virtually every objection and concern that all the Trade Unions had to these proposed plans, which we continue to insist are illogical, ill thought out, and an operational and administrative nightmare facing us in the future if they go ahead.

Regional Update For Early March 2014

Latest on campaigns around the region, please take the time to look at the links, download material, print & distribute as necessary. Keep checking back for updates and new material.

Latest rmtlondoncalling newsletter;

Latest on talks with LUL;

HOLT campaign -

Londoncalling webpage -

Committees , grades mtgs and recruitment

Advice For Drivers As ANP Is Removed

Despite agreements reached with London Underground and your union just over a year ago at Directors level regarding the implementation of Auto Not Permitted (ANP) while P-Way staff or trespassers were on the track, LU have decided to remove this facility without meaningful consultation with your union and without the participation of local safety representatives in the workplace risk assessments around this.

Ticket Office Use Increases As Boris Plans To Shut Them All

New figures obtained by the Labour Group on the GLA and released today show a net increase in total transactions at tube ticket offices from 7.418 million in 2012 to 7.577 million in 2013 – making a nonsense of claims that the booking offices are in decline and some sort of relic from the past.

The latest figures come hot on the tail of other research which has exposed the fact that David Cameron’s claim in Parliament that “only 3% of transactions now involve ticket offices” is totally misleading and disingenuous .

MATS Newsletter - Every Job Matters

Admin Update
After the ACAS talks we told management to end their workshops with Admin if they wanted the consultation to continue as this undermined the talks and was denying Admin proper consultation with the involvement of their unions, management agreed and the workshops ended.