London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Reveals Fares Set For Further Hikes Whilst Hundreds Of Jobs Threatened On Tube

New research published today by the biggest Tube union RMT has revealed that by the end of the decade Tube fares will be expected to rise by over a third faster than earnings - demolishing the Mayor's case for the cash-led axing of safety critical jobs and the closure of ticket offices.

The research also showed that the real terms increase in Tube fares of 24%, means that for example the cost a Zone 1 – 4 annual Travel card will rise to £2238.

Jubilee Line Strike Ballot Called

RMT members working for Tube Lines in the Permanent Way Department (track) on the Jubilee Line are being balloted for both strike action and action short of a strike from today in a dispute over the withdrawal of rest days, the union confirmed this morning.

The dispute, which has massive implications for the Jubilee Line services, is over an all-out attack by the management on properly rostered and agreed time off away from work. The removal of rest days would wreck the work/life balance of staff and effectively leave them at the beck and call of their managers.

Tube Driver's Charter

This is the RMT’s updated version of the charter for London Underground train drivers. It lists our key demands and ‘lines in the sand’ – issues which we see as crucial to achieve or defend for those members working in the grade of train driver. Several of these issues are also essential for other London Underground grades and transport workers in all industries.

The charter had an official launch with Acting General Secretary Mick Cash, Trains Functional Rep Dean O'Hanlon, London Transport Executive member Brian Munro and Executive member Del Marr all speaking at the event.

RMT Concerned At Department Transfer From LUL To TfL


Correspondence was received from London Underground concerning a proposal to transfer part of the Training Design and Operations Management Delivery activities from the Chief Operating Office (COO) to two departments in TfL namely Learning Development within HR and Marketing Services within TfL Marketing.

Mark Harding Not Guilty

At Hammersmith Magistrates Court this morning RMT tube union official Mark Harding was found not guilty of charges brought against him under section 241 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 as amended by Schedules 7 and 17 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 during the last phase of tube strike action.

Mick Cash, RMT Acting General Secretary, said

MPs & Trade Unionists Call for Justice for Mark Harding

MP's call for justice for RMT official Mark Harding as he faces imprisonment under UK anti-union laws

MP's call for justice for RMT official Mark Harding as he faces imprisonment under UK anti-union laws

MPs and trade union leaders have issued a statement calling for London Underground RMT Branch Official Mark Harding to receive a fair trial when he appears in court this Friday.

RMT Tube Train Drivers' Charter Launch

All drivers are invited to the launch of the London Underground Drivers’ Charter. With the prospect of
attacks on us in the form of enforced “flexibility”, deskilling and driverless trains it is essential that we take a
stand to protect our grade.

The London Mayor and the Government are whipping up a frenzy of anti-union feeling and foremost in their sights are tube drivers – it’s time to defend ourselves before it’s too late!

London Underground Driverless Trains Advert

London Underground has begun the process for the purchase of driverless trains. This ‘Periodic Notice’ from early March, for trains capable of ‘unattended operation’ is taken from the Official Journal of the European Union. A Periodic Notice “provides advance information about works, supplies or service contracts that, at the beginning of the budgetary year, the contracting authority intends to award during the next 12 months.”

The RMT has already declared itself in dispute over the issue of driverless trains.