London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

ACAS Report On Pay & Night Tube and Job Cuts Disputes

Dear RMT members

Most of you will be aware that we have had a number of magnificent ballot results where members in our union in LUL as well as all of the other tube unions have voted overwhelmingly to fight back. We have four current disputes in LUL:

1. Pay and Night tube
2. Every job matters - defending jobs on London Underground
3. M Door safety alarm procedures - Jubilee Line
4. Introduction of Agency trainers - London Underground

850 Job Cuts Threatened On Tube As Terror Attack 10th Anniversary Coming Up

A week before 10th anniversary of London 7/7 terror attacks RMT warns of "dangerous complacency" over cuts
A week before the 10th anniversary of the London 7/7 terror attacks transport union RMT has warned of "dangerous complacency" on the part of tube bosses who appear to make no connection at all between incident response times and staffing numbers on stations and platforms.

Fleet Agency Trainers Dispute Ballot Results

Dear Colleague,

Introduction of Agency Trainers, Fleet – London Underground

Further to previous correspondence regarding the above, the ballot has now concluded with members voting as follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast 368
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 252
Number Voting ‘No’ 112
Spoilt Papers 4

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 368
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 335
Number Voting ‘No’ 29
Spoilt Papers 4

Every Job Matters Tube Dispute Ballot Results

30th June 2015

Dear Colleague,

Every Job Matters – Defending Jobs on London Underground

Further to previous correspondence regarding the above, the ballot has now concluded with members voting as follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast 1945
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 1781
Number Voting ‘No’ 159
Spoilt Papers 5

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 1945
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 1826
Number Voting ‘No’ 99
Spoilt Papers 20

Pay & Night Tube Dispute Ballot Results

30th June 2015

Dear Colleague,

Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service and Night Running
London Underground

Further to previous correspondence regarding the above, the ballot has now concluded with members voting as follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast 4342
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 3964
Number Voting ‘No’ 361
Spoilt Papers 17

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 4342
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 4158
Number Voting ‘No’ 152
Spoilt Papers 32


RMT Press Office

Overwhelming RMT votes for action in disputes over tube night running, pay, staffing, safety and use of agency staff

Ballots of RMT members concluded today in a series of disputes on London Underground, including the dispute over pay and night running, as the union warned again that working conditions, pay, jobs and safety are facing an almost unprecedented assault which has united all four tube unions in a campaign of resistance.

The ballot results are as follows:

Pay and Night Tube – 91.7% vote YES for strike action

Report: As Ballot Deadline Approaches LUL Call For Talks

Dear RMT members,

As you will know we are balloting the entire membership in LUL over the issues of pay and Night Tube. As always we are available for talks . Today LUL have written to us and said that they would like to recommence the talks next week at ACAS on the issue of pay and night tube. I am putting together our negotiating team, representing all grades across the company and we will attend any meetings that are called - as we always do.

Pay And Night Tube Ballot Result Members' Meeting


Further to my previous Circular (IR/150/15, 15th June 2015), members will be aware that we are currently conducting a number of ballots for London Underground members including the above over the unacceptable pay offer from management and the associated compensation and recognition for members in respect of Night Tube. If any member has not received their ballot paper(s) please ask them to call the RMT Freephone Helpline number on 0800 376 3706.