Stratford Number One Draft Branch Minutes For July 2011
Submitted by Peter on 22 July, 2011 - 13:38Here are the minutes from Stratford Number 1 branch's March meeting.
Click 'Read more' to see the full minutes, or download the attachment below.
Formerly Stratford No 1 branch, Central Line East branch includes LUL station staff (SS, SA(CR), SAMF, CSA) at all Central line stations from Holborn to Epping, Cleaners on these stations, LUL Train Operators and Instructor Operators and Sodexo canteen staff at Leytonstone depot.
Central Line East branch meets on the second Thursday of every month 17:00-19:15 at the ex-Services club, Leytonstone - map here.
Here are the minutes from Stratford Number 1 branch's March meeting.
Click 'Read more' to see the full minutes, or download the attachment below.
Here are the minutes from Stratford Number 1 branch's March meeting.
Click 'Read more' to see the full minutes, or download the attachment below.
The next Stratford no.1 branch meeting will take place on Thursday 14th July from 5pm at the Leytonstone & District ex-Servicemens Club, Harvey Road, Leytonstone, E11 3BD. (Map.)
It is approximately a two minute walk from Leytonstone underground station.
The branch will then be followed by an all union meeting to discuss and build a defense of sacked colleague Tunde Umanah.
Click '1 attachment' / file name to download this as a PDF leaflet.
On Monday 20th June, RMT member & activist Tunde Umanah who is a well respected & trusted T/Op at Leytonstone was viciously sacked at a CDI. All issues raised in his defence were dismissed at hand by the disciplinary panel. Tunde was involved in a PTI incident at Woodford where a DTSM deliberately and willingly obstructed the doors on Tunde’s train. At the CDI the evidence was very clear that the DTSM could’ve removed his foot from the doors at any time throughout the incident.
The following Emergency Resolution submitted by Stratford No 1 branch was carried at the Regional council meeting on 26th May.
In the light of the recently expressed intentions of the government to turn back the clock on Industrial Relations to the nineteenth century introducing new anti-strike laws and weakening workers rights still further, we request the regional Secretary to convene an open meeting to discuss with other trade unions a unified response to these threat.
The following Resolution submitted by Stratford No 1 was carried unanimously at the Regional Council meeting on 28th July
The following emergency resolution to the April meeting of the Regional Council was passed unanimously:
This Region is appalled by London Underground's below-inflation, five-year pay 'offer', with no commitment to improving conditions. Our union must reject this insult, and fight as effectively as possible for a much better, preferably one-year offer.
Here are the minutes from Stratford Number 1 branch's March meeting.
Click 'Read more' to see the full minutes, or download the attachment below.
Branch Secretary: Terry O’Neill.
Branch Chairperson: Adrian Finney ,
Branch Minutes: Thursday February 2011
Attendees: A Finney, T O’Neill, Glen Brown,D Pittman,P Penny,M Mujahid,G Weston, A Saint, A Carney,
G Carney, G Watson, D Millhouse, Allan Thomson, A Cunningham, J McConville, A MiahApologies: P Heys, D Fitzpatrick, J Latona, B Witham, K Shatford, J Booth.
Branch Secretary: Terry O’Neill.
Branch Chairperson: Adrian Finney ,
Branch Minutes: Thursday February 2011
Attendees: A Finney, T O’Neill, Glen Brown,D Pittman,P Penny,M Mujahid,G Weston, A Saint, A Carney,
G Carney, G Watson, D Millhouse, Allan Thomson, A Cunningham, J McConville, A Miah