Young members

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Your RMT Regional Council knows that involving and organising young members is crucial to securing the future of the union and making it more relevant in the workplace.<br>
Follow us on Twitter - <a href="!/RMTYoungMember">@rmtyoungmembers</a> and <a href="">Facebook</a>.

RMT Young Members Camp London 19/10/12

RMT Young Members Camp

With Young members coming down to London from all over the UK for the TUC October the 20th demonstration- ‘A Future that Works’ the young members decided to set up a camp in the grounds of Maritime house, Clapham Common.

Young members are in the business of breaking down barriers which prevent young people getting involved in activities which are central to them. Our regional young member officers and your young member representatives on the national young members advisory committee had said that the biggest barrier to young member participating in the demo was the cost of accommodation in central London. So setting up a camp where young members could rock up, have a spot of dinner with like minded young people by a blazing camp fire and have a bed for the night for free made complete sense.

The legality of a 'general' strike, striking against the Condem Government

An interesting article from The Institute of Employment Rights on a topic which was much discussed at the Global Labour Institute Summer School 2012 which some RMT young members attended.

Days of Action:

"As the TUC opens its discussion for 2012, this IER Briefing from Keith Ewing and John Hendy argues that increased protest action against government austerity measures are defendable in Court with reference to the European Convention on Human Rights.

Demonstration against Condor Ferries who pay workers £2.35/hour; 12hr days, 3 months at sea.

'Demonstration against Condor Ferries who pay workers £2.35/hour; 12hr days, 3 months at sea.

In your opinion do you think it is fair for an employer operating between Portsmouth and the channel islands to pay £2.35 per hour for workers employed on these vessels for 12 hours per day for up to 3 months away??

Burston Strike School Young Member Education Course!/events/441499409217410/

12th July 2012
Circular No. NP/163/12

To: All Branches, Regional Councils & Council of Executives

Dear Colleagues.

Educational Seminar for RMT Young Members – Burston School Strike Rally 31st August, 1st September & 2nd September 2012 in Norwich & Burston.

Video: AGM '12 Young member motion and debate

Highlights of the young member motion and debate at the RMT AGM 2012 can be seen here:

Item 59. and Item 60 - (Tuesday) 26/06/2012

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Bloggy Report- RMT Young Members 2012 AGM Course

Each year the RMT hold an Annual General Meeting, this is where delegates from each region act as the supreme governing body of the union, alongside this event the RMT also runs a young members AGM educational course.

I joined a group of young members from all over the country who work in a variety of grades, there were cleaners on London underground, supervisors, train operators, p-way, and station assistants- almost half of the group came from London. Most young members there had little to do with the union before this and were curious to see what it was all about.

The course itself was funded by the union in recognition that the union needs to regularly involve as well as educate its young members as they are the future (and the present.) My employer did not pay me for the week away but the union covered my loss of earnings as well as travel, accommodation and food expenses so I had nothing to lose by attending.