London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Tube Pay Offer Derisory and Devisive


Further to my previous Circular (IR/332/14, 15th December 2014), members will recall that we included a claim for a 4 day, 32 hour week and equal travel facilities for all London Underground staff in our submission to the Company. A series of meetings have now taken place and the following offer has been made:-

Year One
A 0.75% increase, effective from 1st April 2015.

Year Two
An increase of RPI in 2016

Moving The Goal Posts: Tube Bosses Arbitrary Performance Bonus

Moving the goalposts?

A few years ago LUL introduced a performance bonus for operational staff. It wasn't something the RMT asked for, or were happy about. As a Union we believe that all earnings should be consolidated, i.e. included in the salary so that it is pensionable and goes up with inflation. However, LUL wanted a system that rewarded “good performance” so decided to pay us extra if we met certain targets. Sometimes we met them and sometimes we didn't – but at least it was possible to meet them.

Pay talks update

To all RMT members on LUL

Today myself and senior reps met LUL directors to continue our discussions on pay in LUL for 2015.

For 5 hours of talks we forcefully made the case for a decent pay offer and also a good night tube deal for ALL EFFECTED LUL EMPLOYEES.Despite this no new offer was made by the company . The talks have adjourned now and will reconvene next Monday 27th .

Also I have requested the release of all of our reps across LUL in all functions for a report back and discussion on Wednesday 6th May (this has not been agreed by mangment yet)

Central Line Suspended As Engineers Train Derails

On the news that an engineering train was derailed on the Central Line this morning, largest rail union RMT's General Secretary Mick Cash said: "RMT officials are seeking to obtain further information on the serious derailment on the Central Line last night. While the union seeks to establish the facts the incident once again throws under the spotlight the ever present issue of safety on the Underground for both staff and passengers alike."

RMT: Transport Cuts Give Thugs And Racists Green Light For Violence

RMT on BTP conference on violence on transport services:

General Secretary Mick Cash said.

"‎The public should be under no illusions. The whole object of policy on our transport services at the moment is to axe staff and that gives a green light to thugs, drunks and racists to indulge in their violent, abusive and anti-social behaviour.

"From chopping guards off the trains, to closing ticket offices on London Underground to cutting staff on stations and platforms the whole austerity and profit driven agenda is turning our transport system into a thugs and criminals paradise.

Tube Failures Throw Spotlight On Boris's Looming Night Tube Chaos

TUBE UNION RMT today warned Londoners that this mornings disruption arising from signalling breakdowns and train failures on the Piccadilly, Bakerloo and Jubilee lines are a reminder of the serious challenges that face the overstretched tube infrastructure and fleet – challenges that are set to be deepened by the planned night running service due to be introduced later this year.

Jubilee Line M Door Dispute Continues

Management are still pushing to introduced a new procedure for when a rear M door alarm activates – proceeding to the next station rather than investigating first.

We believe this is unsafe for a number of reasons. It is also an example of management’s attempts to dumb down our job by taking away the need for a train operator.

RMT PMA Dispute Progresses Following 'Unacceptable' Tube Bosses Position

REVIEW OF DISCIPLINARY AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE – LONDON UNDERGROUND (LUL/4/4) Further to my previous Circular (IR/432/13, 25th July 2013), this matter has been listed on the LUL Company Council agenda where we raised the issue that having the same PMA present at a CDI and any associated appeal created an unfair bias in the process. The involvement of PMAs in the disciplinary process has been disputed by RMT for some years now as we see it as an additional management resource.