London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Massive Yes Vote returned in London Bridge 3 ballot, but Tory anti-strike law thwarts democratic action


Further to my previous Circular (IR/204/17, 17th May 2017), the ballot has concluded and the results are as follows:-


The result for strike action is as follows:-

Number of members balloted…             3,743

Total Votes Cast…                                 1,290 (34.4% turnout)

Number Voting ‘Yes’…                          1,039 (80% but only 28% of members balloted)

Fleet ballot called over bosses two tier workforce plan


We salute the determination of our LU Fleet Branch in their resolve to halt the attempted introduction of a two-tier work force in the LU Piccadilly Line Fleet area; with all the detriments encapsulated for our present members; and to seek proper ongoing employment for future members joining the company.

We instruct the General Secretary to prepare a ballot matrix for industrial strike action and industrial actions short of a strike, and advise the company we are now in dispute.

Have we seen the London bridge 3 CCTV? Yes

Dear member,

It has been brought to my attention that management are deliberately spreading misinformation in an attempt to undermine our ballot, specifically, that RMT has not had sight of the CCTV footage of the events giving rise to the disciplinary action against our three members.

This is completely untrue. I myself have seen the whole CCTV footage that has been used against the London Bride Three. Indeed, myself and Brian Woodhead, JNP Operations Director actually sat down and watched it together at Lee Cornell’s Directors’ Review Hearing.

RMT Upfront May 2017

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground Tube drivers from the RMT.

In this edition:

  • Safety critical? Keep it brief
  • Not too HOT procedure
  • Fire at Oxford Circus
  • Dust update

Please distribute the newsletter in your workplace, or share it online with your colleagues.

Train' safety reps to pursue issue of Picc Line driver training


We note the report from our Lead Officer concerning the latest correspondence from the company stating that the training has not been withdrawn and is to be discussed at the appropriate level in the LU Health & Safety Machinery.

The Trains Safety Council Reps are to be vigilant and pursue this matter and refer any further issues to the Lead Officer and this NEC.

Members to be advised by email and text.

Changes to London Underground trains operational management

We note the letter from the company imposing this reorganisation on our members and staff in general.

We recognise the extensive work involved in this mater so therefore congratulate our Representatives for successfully mitigating the worse aspects of this restructuring through their negotiations with the company, and remain vigilant!

We instruct the General Secretary to organise a recruitment drive among these grades.

Members to be advised by written letter and email.

Relevant branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

RMT General Secretary to raise concerns over removal of tunnel telephone wires with Tube bosses

We note the resolution from our Central Line East Branch and the sentiments within.

We instruct the General Secretary to raise these concerns with the company and place this matter back before the NEC upon any further developments. Train Operators have been trained in the essential safety net that tunnel telephone wires provide as a last resort in switching off traction current in an emergency and making contact with the line controller when no other method is available.

Branch motion raises concerns about removal of Tunnel Telephone wires

London Underground has announced plans to remove tunnel telephone wires despite the concerns of RMT members.

Following the announcement of the decision, several branches passed the following motion:

This branch is concerned to learn of London Underground's plans to remove all tunnel telephone wires from the tube network.