London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT to Address Apprentice Representation

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that there has been an unsatisfactory situation for apprentices in London Underground Ltd’s Machinery of Negotiation since LUL arbitrarily allocated them to the MATS (managers, admin, technical, support) function rather than to service control.

We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that any outstanding issues with this are addressed during the forthcoming review of the Machinery of Negotiation.

London Transport Regional Council and branches with London Underground members to be advised.

Staffing Concerns And Trade Union Involvement - An Open Letter To LUL Managing Director Mike Brown

An open letter has been sent by RMT Stations and Revenue Council Safety Council Staff Side Secretary Ross Marshall to LU Managing Director Mike Brown.

The letter regards "The comments.... made in relation to several questions regarding staffing levels, the current review on stations, the fact that LU had presented the OSP plans as a fait accompli and other problems related to the OSP." Questions are also being asked about the review of staffing levels at a handful of stations, and why the RMT is not being involved with on this review.

Click 'read more' to see the letter or download the attachment for the original document.

TFL Ballot And LUL Dispute Over Olympics

RMT to ballot for action on TFL over Olympics ban on staff leave and declares dispute with London Underground over Olympics payments

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to ballot for industrial action on TFL over a ban on staff leave for the duration of the Olympics and has also declared a formal dispute with London Underground over a failure to reach an agreement on Olympics recognition and reward payments for all LU staff.

RMT Platform Feb 2012

Please find attached the latest copy of RMT Platform .Download and print copies for your messrooms and union noticeboards. Read about how the Revenue & Station Grades are working for the memebrs and how and where you can get involved.Its your union,its important for you to have your say.

RMT Reps Discuss Central Line Asbestos Fears

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that the meeting referred to in our decision of 6 October 2011 has yet to take place, due to the representatives not having been available. We instruct the General Secretary to write to Stratford no.1 branch advising that unless the representatives make themselves available soon, we will be unable to progress this matter; and to invite LU Engineering branch to send an appropriate representative to this meeting. A report of the meeting is to be placed in front of us once it has taken place.

RMT to Discuss London Underground Industrial Relations

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the comments received from one of our branches and one of our representatives on Professor Goodman’s report. We note that our London Transport Regional Council is to debate a resolution on this issue at its meeting today, and instruct the General Secretary to place this matter back in front of us once the outcome of this debate is known.

London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

RMT Fights for Fair Olympic Deal for All Grades of Transport Workers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from our TfL no.1 branch, and are appalled that this employer intends to severely restrict annual leave over the Olympic period, including banning annual leave during the Games altogether in at least one department. This will make life very difficult, if not impossible, for many of our members, for example those with school-age children. We are similarly appalled at TfL’s totally inadequate financial offer to our members, consisting solely of a £15 payment if a shift is changed.

Fit For London?

For some the jaunt up to Stratford has been a jolly old jape. Day off from your duty, no uniform, trip round the Olympic site, the only downside, having to listen to the LUL propaganda machine telling us how wonderful the world will be post Olympics. Happy days indeed.

RMT to Seek Agreement on LU Electronic Communications

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the legal advice received.

We are disappointed with the advice that LUL can lawfully change its electronic communications policy without consultation or first seeking the consent of employees or the union. This illustrates that employees’ and trade unions’ rights under the law remain very limited and employers’ powers very great.

We further note the advice regarding disciplinary action for breach of the guidelines.

LUL Employee Helpline - No Issue

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our lead officer that branches, reps and members have raised no complaints about this helpline with him. Further, we note that there is no material on the file indicating any concerns from members, and that there have been no further developments on this issue since the lead officer’s report was received in March 2011.

We therefore close this file.