London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Seek Legal Advice On LUL's New Attendance Warning Guidance

We note the document from London Underground Ltd, clarifying that managers can and should exercise discretion in the management of attendance. We welcome this clarification, which follows concerted pressure from this union to demand that managers should stop routinely giving the maximum penalty to members.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to circulate this document in full to all our London Underground branches and representatives, with a covering letter explaining its background and how to use it to the benefit of members.

Defend our rep

East Ham Branch meeting to defend victimised rep Gary Woolf
Thursday September 6 at 1700
Spotted Dog PH, Barking

Gary completed the first part of the Drugs and alcohol random test (breathalyser) but could not provide a specimen of urine within the time allocated.

Victoria Line Dispute

That we note the correspondence on file from the ASLE&F reporting that they will not be balloting their members for Industrial Action on the Victoria Line, however this Union remains in dispute on this matter.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Concerned With LUL Use Of Hair Sampling

We note with concern the company’s use of this means of testing for drugs and alcohol and the potential ramifications for our members of any such process to which we are opposed.

The General Secretary is instructed to seek a legal opinion of the company’s use of bodily hair samples for drug and alcohol testing. The opinion to be placed back before this General Grades Committee for further consideration.

BBC News: RMT Organiser Leach On 'Clear Mandate' For Strike Action On Overground

RMT Regional Organiser for London Transport John Leach has been interviewed on BBC London News following reports of a 9 to 1 ballot for strike action on London Overground.

London Overground guards have voted overwhelmingly for strike action and action short of a strike in a ballot following the announcement by Transport for London of their plans to introduce 'Driver Only Operation' on the whole of the London Overground network.

LU Guidelines For Train Ops: Resumption To Duty Whilst On Medication For Depression

LU has altered it's policy on allowing drivers taking medication for depression to drive trains. Below is the company stance and forms used are attached.

LU article on the new procedure
Occupational Health revises advice it gives drivers

Occupational Health has revised the advice it gives to train operators regarding anti-depressant medication, following consultation with key internal stakeholders and medical experts.