London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Executive Statement On Claims For Olympic Period

The RMT Executive through the General Grades Committee has issued the following statement and poster for notice boards to reiterate and clarify the RMT's position on members entitlements for the Olympic period.

“We reiterate our stance that all grades of transport employees are entitled to a decent financial reward for their efforts transporting huge numbers of passengers during the Olympics and are entitled to take leave during the summer, and that working conditions and important agreements should not and need not be attacked in order to facilitate Olympic running.”

London Underground's Olympic Offer: full details

Attached to this post, you will find London Underground's letter to RMT setting out the company's offer to staff for Olympic working, consisting of:

  • a letter from LU
  • a document giving its 'flexibility' demands
  • and an appendix for each of the four functions affected
    • Asset Performance Directorate
    • Stations and Revenue Control
    • Service Control including Duty Reliability Managers
    • Operational Managers in COO and APD, including Network Operational Learning Trainers

RMT Considers LU Olympics Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the offer from London Underground, of an additional £350 lump sum payment to all operational staff in each of the following functions, dependant on the trade unions agreeing to changes in working practices detailed in the correspondence:

  • Asset Performance Directorate
  • Stations and Revenue Control
  • Service Control including Duty Reliability Managers
  • Operational Managers in COO and APD, including Network Operational Learning Trainers

RMT Guidance On LUL Drugs & Alcohol Policy

Following abuses by management of the drug and alcohol procedure, your RMT reps on the Trains Funcional Council have produced the attached guidance document for your attention.


Following recent abuses of the D & A procedure on the Piccadilly Line were drivers
have been routinely tested following a SPAD and in one instance where a driver was
tested for taking a train out of service, agreement has been reached at the Trains
Functional Council on February 10 th 2012. The Trains Functional Council agreed that

Train Driver Saves Child's Life

Last weekend on the Jubilee Line a drivers quick actions saved the life of a young child. Just as the driver was about to leave the platform at Finchley Road, he spotted a small hand coming up from the track on his CCTV and realised that someone had fallen from the platform.

Had it been a driverless train, then it would have departed as all the sytems indications were that it was safe to do so, and this story of heroism would be one of tragedy.

Know Your Rights: LU Work-Life Balance Policies

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the work-life balance policy of London Underground Ltd. While it is far from perfect, we are concerned to ensure that our members are aware of the rights that they do have, and that management are upholding these rights.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to

  1. produce a summary of members’ rights under this policy, in concise, easy-to-understand wording
  2. ask our branches and representatives for their views on how this policy operates in practice
  3. place these in front of us once received.

Update: London Underground Uniform Consultative Committee

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that LUL has now imposed its withdrawal of cleaning vouchers and considers the issue to be closed. We instruct the General Secretary to ask our branches and representatives what impact this policy is having on our members, and to place responses in front of us.