London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd


The next meeting of the Revenue and Station grades takes place on Thursday 23 August at the Exmouth Arms, Star St , nearest stations Euston amd Euston Sq
Come along and have your say.Its your union, make sure your views are heard.

Items on agenda;

• Level 2 reps reports
• Reports from local industrial and H&S reps
• Update on action short of strike
• Recruitment and retention

Advice To Be Given To Members On Casualisation Dispute

We note the views expressed by our LT region train grades committee, the need to keep our disputes and industrial action continuously under review, and our members’ need for advice and information.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to ensure the speedy and effective implementation of our previous decision of 17 July 2012 to ensure that members are given full support and information in carrying out our industrial action, including both printed materials and personal contact with officials and representatives.

Casualisation Dispute Moves Forward

We note the views expressed by our LT region train grades committee, the need to keep our disputes and industrial action continuously under review, and our members’ need for advice and information.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to ensure the speedy and effective implementation of our previous decision of 17 July 2012 to ensure that members are given full support and information in carrying out our industrial action, including both printed materials and personal contact with officials and representatives.

Review Of Disciplinary And Grievance Procedure – London Underground

We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council, and the proof that has emerged
that People Management Advice Specialists (PMAs) have interfered in the issuing of disciplinary
sanctions against our members employed by London Underground Ltd in breach of the LUL
disciplinary procedure and of natural justice.

Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to provide all appropriate support in the particular case
referred to, and to write immediately to London Underground Ltd demanding:

Station Minimum Numbers

To help keep track of what minimum numbers for stations should be please see the attached figures.

RMT members on LU are currently in dispute about ICSA's being used as minimum numbers.

If you have concerns that a station isn't safely staffed, please contact the local rep - or if you don't know who that is we can find out for you. Just email us at

RMT Demands Urgent Investigation Into Tube Maintenance Cuts As Central Line Reduced To Chaos This Morning

TUBE UNION RMT this morning demanded an immediate investigation into the real impact of cuts to fleet maintenance schedules, and specifically brake inspections and renewals, as it began to emerge that the likely cause of the Central Line shutdown during this morning’s Olympics morning peak was defective brakes seizing up.

Although RMT is awaiting the outcome of the investigation into the incident it is reported that the driver saw smoke billowing from the tunnel at Leyton and noticed a strong smell of burning.

Keep Stations And The Underground Safe During The Olympics

from RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Following consultation with our lead officer and representatives, we instruct all London Underground members to take action short of strike action starting at 00:01 on Friday 27 July and continuing until further notice, as follows:

  • All members to not co-operate in any way with the counting of Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSAs) towards the minimum number of staff on duty for a station to be open to passengers.
  • Members acting as ICSAs to withdraw from the station and refuse to be counted

Olympic Special Stations And Revenue Newsletter

The deal secured by your union guarantees the existing protection of the framework agreement. The RMT alone argued that we were already being asked to work hard enough without selling any hard won protection for a few quid. If you feel that you have been asked to work outside of this agreement or been treated unfavourably then advise your local RMT rep who will take it up immediately . Remember that the framework agreement is there for a reason, it protects our safety, welfare and future at work.You have a right and a responsibility to refuse any duty which breaks that agreement. Only a fool breaks the twelve hour rule.

...continue reading or download the newsletter below.

RMT London Calling newsletter: Olympics special no.2

Updated on 26th July - please ensure you are using the latest version

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the new issue of our 'RMT London Calling' newsletter, our second Olympics special, reporting on: Olympics agreements won by RMT so far; strikes by cleaners, bike hire and TfL staff; action short of strikes on London Underground; the Olympics security crisis; and more.