London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Industrial action short of strike continues following ballot success

  • Details of the continued 'action short of strike' are at the end of this circular.

24th May 2023

Circular No: IR/148/23                                               

Dear Colleagues,


Further to my previous Circular (IR/143/23, 17th May 2023), the ballot concluded with members voting as follows:

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:      9,799

Mass meeting - Defend Jobs, Pensions & Agreements


24th May 2023

Dear Colleagues,


You are all congratulated for returning a fourth vote in this dispute and giving a magnificent mandate to continue our fight to protect your jobs, pensions and agreements.

A meeting for all LUL members has been arranged on Tuesday 30th May 2023 at the Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AQ from 15:00 to 17:00 hours to discuss our continued fight to Defend Jobs, Pensions & Agreements.

Please make every effort to attend.

Tube workers facing threats of violence after more than 100 hundred station closures in two months

RMT called on TfL to end its cuts programme, which is forcing repeated station closures across the network, opening staff up to abuse from frustrated passengers.

TfL has had its funding from central government dramatically cut but instead of standing up to ministers, Mayor of London Sadiq Khan is cutting 600 staff and implementing a new rostering system that does not work.

Joint Trade Union TfL Pensions Working Group (PWG) newsletter update

Dear Colleague,


I refer to my previous email of 2nd November 2023, I can advise that a further joint Trade Union TfL Pensions Working Group (PWG) newsletter update has been prepared in respect of the independent review into the TfL Pension Fund. The newsletter can be found by clicking on the following link

I will keep you advised of future developments.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Lynch
General Secretary


Bakerloo News May 2023

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line.

In this edition is information on the reballot in our Jobs, Pensions and Agreements dispute; articles on proposed station job cuts and equality and an update on a Bakerloo branch motion calling for the creation of a democratic republic.

Please download the attached newsletter to read it. You can also print it out and distribute it in your Bakerloo Line workplace.

RMT rejects London Underground 'Train Modernisation' plans

RMT Regional Organiser Jared Wood has written to London Underground to reject their 'Train Modernisation' plans.

In his letter, Jared states:

"A future based on ten-hour shifts, six hours working without a meal-break, remote booking on/off without travelling time, cross-line working, short-notice cover, the end of most spare turns, an end to fixed links, maximising of driving time and minimising of breaks and the reduction of over 300 train operator positions cannot be accepted by RMT."

Vote YES to defend your job, pensions and agreements

Dear Colleague,


Your ballot paper for the re-ballot to defend your jobs, pensions and agreements was posted to your home address on Monday 24th April so please look out for it arriving in the post this week.

I have produced a video, along with your Lead Officer and NEC member, giving an update on the current position in this long-running dispute and the need for all members to vote YES to both questions in the reballot.

Tube Spending cuts, job losses and pension attacks must end

Spending cuts, job losses and pension attacks must end, RMT has told the London Mayor today.

The tube union wrote to Sadiq Khan today, emphasising the importance of station staff to the safe running of London Underground and the need for the mayor to resist Tory budget cuts. 

In the letter, RMT general secretary Mick Lynch wrote: "Stations were closed on 2115 occasions last year, compared with a pre-pandemic high of 649. Of course, this is only a figure for closures. More often, stations will have been left open with no staff.