London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Political Report - Driverless Trains

Everything management do now is preparation to take us on, all of us, each grade, after the Olympics. Make no mistake, no stone will be left unturned as LUL aim to transform the job root and branch. As a previous leaked document revealed, they're making no bones about using the economic crisis to launch the attack.

This political report will explain the attacks, grade by grade, over five special issues, each fortnight.

Political Report - Station Supervisors Transformed

Everything management do now is preparation to take us on, all of us, each grade, after the Olympics. Make no mistake, no stone will be left unturned as LUL aim to transform the job root and branch. As a previous leaked document revealed, they're making no bones about using the economic crisis to launch the attack.

This political report will explain the attacks, grade by grade, over five special issues, each fortnight.

Political Report - What Tube Bosses Plans Mean for Station Staff

Everything management do now is preparation to take us on, all of us, each grade, after the Olympics. Make no mistake, no stone will be left unturned as LUL aim to transform the job root and branch. As a previous leaked document revealed, they're making no bones about using the economic crisis to launch the attack.

This political report will explain the attacks, grade by grade, over five special issues, each fortnight.

New RMT Uniform Reps to Demand Return of Cleaning Vouchers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground, reneging on its previous agreement to restore uniform cleaning vouchers. We believe that the withdrawal of these vouchers is a cut in real wages to our members.

We do not accept the company’s position, and refute management’s arguments for it. We do not accept that all uniform items can be washed in a normal domestic washing machine, and believe that the tax benefit described by LUL is one which our members should be entitled to anyway.

London Underground Local Disciplinary Interviews (LDIs)

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and welcome the confirmation from London Underground management that Local Disciplinary Interviews (LDIs) should not be conducted by the same manager who conducted the fact-finding.

We instruct the General Secretary to advise all our London Underground representatives of this, and to request that any attempts by management to breach this are reported to us.

'Fit For London': TfL's Propaganda to Staff

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground and the report from our Regional Organiser.

Transport for London is to run a series of events for staff which they state “will explain our vision, strategy and future priorities for TfL and our operational business”. These events will involve staff in London Underground and other parts of TfL.

TfL Board To Discuss Driverless Trains

The TfL board will discuss the 'Operational Vision' this week, which predicts trains without drivers and the closure of all ticket offices by 2016.

A document has been released detailing the agenda of the meeting. It says "Given the technology available now, it is very unlikely that, after the procurement of the trains for the Sub Surface Lines, LU will ever again buy a fleet of passenger trains with conventional drivers’ cabs."

The document also makes note of stations saying that ticket office need will decrease and staff will need to become more 'flexible.'

TfL Board To Discuss Driverless Trains, Ticket Office Closure & Reduced Maintenance In Job Cut Board Meeting

The TfL board will discuss the 'Operational Vision' tomorrow November 2nd 2011, which predicts trains without drivers and the closure of all ticket offices by 2016.

LUL's Managing Director Mike Brown's presentation to the Board is attached.

Brown says "Given the technology available now, it is very unlikely that, after the procurement of the trains for the Sub Surface Lines, LU will ever again buy a fleet of passenger trains with conventional drivers’ cabs."

RMT Members Accept LU Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

Total votes cast: 3,339
Number voting Yes: 3,108
Number voting No: 230
Spoilt papers: 1

We note the ovewhelming referendum result from our London Underground members. Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to inform the employer of our acceptance of the offer.