Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Woman dragged 60 foot by train was saved by tube driver and station workers

RMT demands halt to job cuts and scrapping of driverless trains plans after horrific Clapham South Incident

Tube union RMT today demanded a halt to the massive LU job cuts programme and to the lethal idea of driverless trains after the publication of the official report into the dragging incident at Clapham South Station last year. RMT has also called for all platforms for to be fully staffed.

RMT call for halt to job cuts as dangerous overcrowding hits Kings Cross

RMT demands halt and reversal of station staffing job cuts as dangerous overcrowding hits Kings Cross and Victoria this morning.

General secretary Mick Cash said.

"The dangerous and chronic overcrowding on London Underground has worsened this morning with Kings Cross closed and Victoria diverting passengers during the peak.

I'm a train operator get me out of here

Following a recent safety related incident incurred by a Train Operator whilst being filmed for 'the tube' programme, the issue of filming in cabs was brought into sharp focus. You may recall this is the same programme which in an earlier series filmed and aired footage of a Train Operator in obvious discomfort following a person under the train incident.

Stay safe make sure it is off

We have raised concerns with LUL and the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) about Train Operators leaving trains in tunnel sidings and being expected to leave the sidings with traction current still on.

The ORR has confirmed that the default position as outlined in law, is that traction current should be off in these circumstances.

The ORR further added that it is not for the Train Operator to request traction current off or for the controller to tell the Train Operator to come out with traction current still on.

Central Line falling concrete incident reinforces case against driverless trains

RMT says that Central Line falling concrete incident reinforces case against driverless trains and for protecting track patrols.

General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"This incident of falling concrete from development works above the Central Line is not the first of its kind and with whole swathes of London now a building site it rams home the dangers for the tube network as developers rush ahead with their projects. 

Tube bosses to suspend the training of non-permanent employees for track patrolling purposes for two weeks


Further to my previous Circular (IR/029, 5th February 2016), discussions took place at ACAS last week and progress was made over LUL’s decision to train Cleshar staff to undertake Track Patrolling duties. As a result, the National Executive Committee took the decision to suspend the strike action which was due to commence on Friday 12th February.

First phase of track safety 'Section 15' strike suspended

RMT suspends first phase of strike action in tube safety dispute.

Tube union RMT confirmed today that a first phase in a programme of industrial action involving nearly 1500 maintenance and renewals staff on London Underground and Tube Lines, in a fight over basic safety issues relating to what are known as “Section 15 possessions”, has been suspended after the union received confirmation that changes will be put on hold for two weeks to allow for a comprehensive safety review.

Tube maintanance workers to take seven blocks of industrial action to defend safety on the track

RMT announces seven blocks of strike action by tube maintenance staff in fight over safety

Tube union RMT confirmed today that nearly 1500 maintenance and renewals staff on London Underground and Tube Lines will be involved in seven separate blocks of strike action from next Friday, 12th February, in a fight over basic safety issues relating to what are known as “Section 15 possessions”.

Track patrolling ballot live

TRACK PATROLLING, CLEHSAR STAFF – LONDON UNDERGROUND (LUL/14/1) Further to my previous Circular (IR/011/16, 14th January 2016), members will be aware of the dispute situation with London Underground over its decision to train Cleshar Staff to undertake track patrolling duties.

The ballot papers were posted out to affected members on Tuesday 19th January and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 2nd February 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.

RMT blames “poisonous cocktail of cuts and overcrowding” for huge rise in injuries on London Underground


Tube union RMT today blasted the “poisonous cocktail of cuts and overcrowding as an FOI request by the website London Loves Business revealed an increase in over 400% in platform injuries on London Underground.

The research shows that in 2003, a grand total of 56 “Platform/Train Interface” incidents were recorded. This number has increased every year to 2014 (the last full set of figures available), when an astonishing 298 such incidents were recorded.

This is an increase in the number of accidents of 432% overall.